Chapter One~Life As A Superhero.

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"Good morning Miss Stark, your mother would like you to join her for breakfast in ten minutes so you'll be ready for your first day in school." A robot voice announced, waking Savannah from her deep slumber. "Thank you Jarvis." Savannah replied before getting out of bed and getting ready. Savannah was unlike the other teenagers her age. Not only was she the foster daughter of multi-billionaire Tony Stark or as everyone now knows him, Iron Man, she also had superpowers. She was adopted by Tony Stark and his wife Pepper after he visited the Professor Charles Xavier's School Of Mutants and decided to take her in as his own. Savannah had a incredible power of being able to control The Four Elements (Air, Fire, Water and Earth). She had called herself secretly (with the help of Tony and his computer Jarvis) Nature. Professor Xavier (The creator and leader of The X-Men) had already helped her control her power. She now lived in Miami with Tony and Pepper in a wonderful and grand house on the cliffs. After Savannah had got changed into her favourite blue and red checkered shirt and blue jeans she rushed downstairs to join her foster mother. Savannah had long, pin straight mousy brown hair and her eyes were a mixture of apple green and light blue. She was quite short too. "Morning sweet-heart, did you sleep well?" Pepper asked. Savannah pulled a face and shook her head before sitting down on a chair. "Not really, it's the nerves you know, about today... I don't want to be judged because well, I'm different." Savannah sighed. Pepper looked at her and smiled. "Don't worry Savannah. Nobody will know your power unless you tell them. Just remember that. Be yourself, don't let anything change you, it's good to be different, Professor X taught you that." She reassured her. Savannah nodded and calmed down. "Where's Tony, I mean Dad?" Savannah wondered. Pepper rolled her eyes. "With his suits, like always. I think you should say goodbye to him before you leave. He said you can take his Audi R8 today, but only if you promise to look after it." Pepper answered. Savannah felt excited, she loved that car. After she finished her breakfast she went downstairs to where Tony was talking to Jarvis about his suits. "Hey Tony? I'm going to school now." She called. Tony shot around and walked towards her. "Good luck honey. And please, don't crash my Audi." He said softly. She grinned and gave him a quick hug before getting in the beautiful white Audi R8 and driving to her new high school.

Savannah pulled up at Midtown High and felt nerves in the pit of her stomach. Everyone's eyes fell on her as she walked down the many corridors, forever trying to find the reception. "Excuse me, are you lost?" A young girl with a fiery red hair asked her. Savannah nodded awkwardly. The young girl smiled warmly. "Are you trying to find the reception? I'll take you there, it's okay. I'm Mary-Jane by the way." Savannah smiled at her appreciatively and followed her through the school until she finally arrived at the reception. "Miss Stark? Here's your time table, you'll be in English first lesson." The woman told her politely. Savannah took the timetable and map from her hands and followed it carefully. When she got to class she sat at the back, hoping no one would see her. But of course they did and through out the whole lesson, much to her dislike, they gossiped about her and her foster father and how they were 'stuck up' and 'arrogant'. Savannah felt extremely angry. She was then greeted by a young guy at her lunch break who changed everything...

18 year old Daliah Odinson woke up in a good mood. She climbed out of bed and walked over to her wardrobe to pick the robes she would wear that day. After a long decision she lay her eyes on a sky blue one with many layers and long sleeves. Daliah was a God of Asgard. She had the amazing powers of Absorption where she could absorb anyone's powers and use them as her own. She had long corkscrewed dirty blonde hair and the brightest blue eyes. She elegantly made her way into the large dining room where her mother, father and two brothers were waiting. "Good morning dear." Her mother Frigga greeted. "Morning mother." She answered, taking her place at the large table. Her father Odin looked at her proudly and her two older brothers, Thor (God Of Thunder) and her adoptive brother Loki were arguing as usual. Thor and Loki however treated her like a princess who they always protected with all their might. Thor had long wavy blonde hair while Loki had long jet black hair. After breakfast Daliah went with Thor to do battle training. Thor was always better than her, he always carried around his hammer while Daliah had her own small ruby encrusted dagger which he and Loki brought her for her 9th birthday. "You fight like a girl." Thor mocked as he beat her once again in their mini battle. "Shut up! I'm trying my best!" She whined back miserably, she had always envied his battle talents. Thor looked apologetically at her and pulled her into a tight hug. "I know, I'm sorry." He sighed guilty. She looked at him with a huge smile, she's always loved Thor more than her other brother Loki.

After battle training Thor and Daliah sat down on the rainbow like bridge and watched Asgard all around them. "I really want to go to Earth." Daliah commented looking to the sky dreamily. Thor looked at her sympathetically. "And you will one day, when Earth needs us, we shall go and help them, I promise." Thor replied. Daliah nodded. She wondered what Earth really looked like, what Humans would really be like. Of course, her mother had told her about it in books but she didn't believe the stories, she wanted to see Earth with her own eyes and meet the Humans herself. Then out of nowhere Heimdall had a announcement to make about Earth itself.

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