Chapter Eleven~The Awakening And The New Plan.

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Savannah heard loud whispers around her as she awoke from a deep slumber. "P-Peter? Peter are you here?" She mumbled as she tried to open her eyes. She felt would warm hands tighten around hers. "I'm here. I'm so glad you're awake." Peter replied softly. "How long have I been out?" Savannah wondered. Peter sighed loudly. "Five days..." Five days? Savannah opened her eyes fully and used them to scan around the room. "Peter? Where's Tony?" She questioned while rubbing her head as it ached. "He's in the lab with Bruce, would you like me to fetch him?" Peter answered. Savannah nodded. Peter kissed her on the forehead before leaving the room. Just minutes later Tony rushed in and sighed with relief. "It's lovely to see you awake again. I'm sorry I wasn't here when you did, I'm such a bad foster parent." Tony moaned with guilt. Savannah rolled her eyes. "Hey, you're here now, that's all that matters to me. Besides, you've been the best foster father to me that I could've asked for. In fact I see you as my own father. I've missed you Tony." Savannah reassured him. Tony smirked and sat beside her and gave her a gentle hug making sure he didn't hurt her. "I've missed you too kiddo, I'm glad you've awaken now because I actually have a good surprise for you." Tony said back. Savannah gave him a look of curiosity. "Stay here, I'll go fetch it." He grinned. Savannah looked at him with a lot of irony before saying in a sarcastic tone "I wasn't really planning of leaving, be quick though Tony, you know how impatient I am when it comes to surprises. Tony chuckled before leaving the room before returning with her surprise, Pepper was by his side. "Pepper! I've missed you so much, what are you doing here?" Savannah asked happily. Pepper fixed her ponytail and sat herself next to Savannah. "Delivering some equipment for Tony, and seeing you of course, I've been so worried!" She explained. Savannah didn't say anything else. She simply pulled Pepper into a tight hug. That was all she really needed.

Daliah heard laughter and different conversations going on around her as she stirred from her sleep. She felt a freezing cold hand hold hers. "Whoever has their bloody stone ice cold hand on mine needs to get some heating gloves on, you're making me shiver!" She complained. She heard someone chuckle before they said "You're awake! And sorry sis." That wasn't Thor's voice? Wait. That would only mean it could belong to one other person. "Loki?" She whispered with a hint of confusion in her voice. "Yes, I'm here sis." Loki replied. Daliah squinted her eyes open to see Loki smiling down at her. "It is you!" She cried happily before wrapping her arms around him and hugging him tightly. "Would you care to not hug me so tightly, you're kind of strangling me here..." Loki laughed. "Sorry! I just can't believe you're here, why are you here Loki?" She questioned curiously giving him a confused expression . "Thor came home to ask for mine and Rebecca's help after you got hurt." He informed her. Daliah nodded in an understanding way. "Wait, Rebecca's here too?" She said with excitement. "Over here stranger." Rebecca called out with a smile on her face. Daliah acknowledged her with a smile. "How's mother and father?" She inquired while fixing up her hair in a small but decorative mirror that her mother brought her. "Both fine, worried about your safety as always." Rebecca told her. Daliah smiled again. "We like your new boyfriend by the way, an American super solider, good catch if you ask me, couldn't help but notice he had nice muscles too." Rebecca commented earning a sharp look from Loki. "But he's obviously not as handsome as my husband though." She quickly added. Loki winked before kissing her on the lips. "I'm glad you like him." Daliah smirked. Just as she said it Steve himself walked in with Thor, both looking pleased and relieved that she was awake. "So happy you're awake, I've missed hearing your voice for five days." Steve beamed before placing his lips on her own gently. She grinned at him. Thor simply gave her a hug. "Savannah is awake too now, what a lovely coincidence." Thor stated. Daliah looked pass him to wave to Savannah through the window to her own room.

Afterwards Savannah and Daliah were both able to get out of bed due to their small healing powers. They all gathered in the meeting room to discuss a new plan. They decided they'd split in two, Tony, Peter, Savannah and Bruce in one group and Daliah, Steve, Loki, Thor and Rebecca in the other. They had decided to use high tech weapons that Loki had brought from Asgard too. The next day was the big battle between Venomous Fusion and Electrodile. It was going to be dangerous, they all knew that.

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