Chapter Four~Important Discoveries.

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Daliah decided to work with Savannah, Peter, Tony and Bruce in the lab while the others went somewhere else to work. She sat herself on a desk while Savannah brought out a large piece of paper and Bruce placed his net book next to it on the table. "So, where do we start?" Tony asked. Savannah thought for a while then turned to Bruce. "Bruce, try and look on the criminal's database, see if anything would link to this." Savannah suggested. Bruce agreed and starting tapping away on the keyboard while Tony made key notes on the piece of paper that they knew already. Every so often Daliah noticed Peter glancing over to Savannah nervously, as if he was to scared to speak to her. "There's nothing on there." Bruce told her. Savannah sighed loudly and shook her head and thought some more. Daliah then came up with an idea. "Hey, Bruce? Pass it here please, I have an idea of how maybe to find out who he is." She spoke. Bruce shrugged and passed her the little red net book. Tony helped her find Google so she could search. She typed 'Atomic snake man.' into Google. To her surprise, she got results. She clicked on the link that read 'Another Scientific Experiment Gone Wrong: The Birth Of A Snake Like Creature- What Happened?' She clicked on it to reveal a profile of a scientist. "I think I've found something. Peter, please can you get it up on that screen for me?" Daliah questioned politely. Peter took the net book off her and hooked it up to the projector screen in front of them. The screen flashed on to reveal the profile that Daliah had found. The profile was of a scientist called Frank Bobenstein from Russia. "Someone go and get the others and Nick, I think we've found our guy." Savannah said. Tony left the room to go fetch them, it didn't take him long to return with them. Steve sat next to Daliah while Thor leaned against a desk. 

Nick looked at the screen and looked around at the others. "Tony told me you believed you've discovered who this Venomous Fusion is, someone care to explain?" Nick wondered. Daliah decided to tell him "His name is Frank Bobenstein. He is a scientist from Moscow in Russia. He was an expert on animal DNA. One day it is said that he was experimenting with snake DNA and explosive acid when he knocked it over and it went all over his skin. He was fine until the snake DNA mixed with his own, making him part snake, part Human. The chemicals he used also got into his blood stream, this gave him the explosive abilities in his skin. His tongue is poisonous because the snake he is mixed with is a cobra, and the venom stayed on his tongue. It all makes sense sir, we've found our guy." Daliah explained. Nick looked impressed with their research, but he suddenly felt confused about something. "Impressive, but what about his speech, how come he doesn't sound Russian?" He inquired curiously. Savannah knew the answer to that question so she informed him "It's partly because of his tongue and also the chemicals had damaged his vocal chords, affecting his speech." Nick nodded in an understanding way and shook all their hands proudly. "Great work. You can have a break, do what you want, as long as it's sensible." Nick announced. They all grinned and started to think of plans.

Savannah was looking over her notes when Peter came and stood next to her. "Hi... sorry I've ignored you all day." Peter apologised awkwardly. Savannah shrugged and smiled at him reassuringly. "It's alright Peter, you were just surprised to see me, as I to see you." She answered. "Yeah, I'd never expect you to have powers." He admitted. Savannah laughed and brushed the annoying piece of hair in her face behind her ear. "Likewise." She forenamed. Peter smiled shyly at her. "So... I was kind of wondering... if you wanted to hang out later? If you're not doing anything else... if you want.. um..." Peter queried anxiously, which Savannah found absolutely adorable. "Yeah, I'd love to Peter. Thank you for asking. It's very sweet of you." She beamed. Peter blushed and he left the room, hoping that Savannah wouldn't notice him jump up with excitement, but of course she did.

Daliah was playing a very intense game of Snap! with Thor special edition game cards with her brother when Steve approached her confidently. "Daliah? Can I speak with you for a second or two?" He requested. Daliah nodded and stood up and walked away with him to see what he wanted to say. "I was just wondering if you would like to hang out with me later on? I haven't had chance to speak to you properly, and you seem like an interesting character to speak to." He expressed. Daliah smiled back. "I'd love to yes." She responded. Steve ran his fingers through his hair, which Daliah found very attractive. "Great... I'll see you later then beautiful." He smirked. Daliah felt her cheeks go a shade of crimson. She nodded and quickly returned to her game with Thor before she went through anymore embarrassment.

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