Chapter Twelve~The End Of Evil.

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After suiting up, the Avengers and the help of Loki and Rebecca travelled to the city of New York where Venomous Fusion and Electrodile were currently stirring up trouble. "Remember just like always, stick together! We need them gone!" Nick instructed firmly before they all jumped from the helicopter. After they all landed they all ran to where screaming and explosions could be heard. They split into the groups they had planned to fight each enemy. Loki's team went off to fight Electrodile while Tony 's team started on Venomous Fusion. Loki grabbed Rebecca's hand as they charged towards Electrodile with the others following close behind. "You're back? Do you really think you can defeat me after last time, even if you have pathetic little friends to help you?" Electrodile chuckled. Rebecca rolled her eyes. "We will defeat you today, so if I was you, I'd stop being cheeky." She smirked. Electrodile laughed once more. "That's it, I've had enough of your mockery." Rebecca shouted in a mother-like tone. With that she used her extremely strong mind powers to create a painful and sharp high pitched sound to take place in Electrodile's head, making him scream out in agony. "Daliah, Steve and Thor, attack!" Rebecca ordered.They all obeyed. Daliah absorbed Thor's powers so she and him could throw lightning bolts at the enemy, making him become electrocuted. "Yeah, how do you like it if someone electrocuted you?" Daliah laughed. Electrodile cried out louder than before, hardly baring the pain that travelled through his veins and into his heart. His eyes widened before he stopped screaming and with that he collapsed to the ground and died. "Well that was easy." Steve admitted. They all looked smug before Loki came up with a brilliant plan to help destroy Venomous Fusion.

"I have an idea. I'll transform myself into Electrodile and pretend to help Venomous Fusion. This will give the chance for someone from the other group to kill Venomous when he's not looking. It'll work perfectly and the evil, desperate swine won't see it coming!" Loki announced. They all smile and agreed. "Wait, won't the others hurt you? They won't know it's you!" Daliah questioned. "Don't worry, I'll telepathically send a message explaining everything. We can hide and watch and pretend we've been killed, like my Loki said, it'll work perfectly!" Rebecca reassured them. They all nodded and Rebecca telepathically sent her message as Loki transformed into Electrodile. Rebecca's message was "Hi everyone, it's Rebecca. I'm telepathically sending you this message to tell you our plan and I need you to pay attention so it will work. We have killed Electrodile and now to help kill Venomous Fusion, Loki will transform into Electrodile. This will trick Venomous. He won't know it's my Loki. When he is pretending to help Venomous we need you one of you to go behind Venomous and sneakily kill him. We will hide behind you. Loki will tell you that we are dead, you will react to this angrily and aim it at Venomous, or only mild powers at Loki. Good luck, we're on our way now."

Tony and the others received the message quickly and got themselves prepared. They decided Tony would kill Venomous while he was being distracted. Loki as Electrodile soon entered the scene and stood next to Venomous Fusion. "The others are dead master." Loki spoke proudly with a sly smirk on his face. "Good. Did you hear that? Your pathetic friends are dead." Venomous bellowed with a huge smile on his face.  "NO! YOU MONSTER! YOU'LL BE NEXT!" Savannah yelled with put on heartbreak, Peter tried not to laugh, he didn't know she could act. Venomous laughed once more before trying to destroy them. Savannah, Peter and Bruce threw all they had at Venomous Fusion but he just brushed it off with his defensive power. As planned, he was too distracted to notice Tony had snook behind him ready to kill him once and for all. "Goodbye you asshole." Tony whispered before charging his gadget and throwing the electric balls at Venomous Fusion's back. Venomous Fusion choked as all the air from his lungs escaped him. He spun around to see who damaged him. "Gotcha." Tony winked. Venomous turned to his side to see Electrodile, only too see him transform back into Loki. "Didn't see that one coming did you?" Loki asked. Venomous took his last breath before exploding into small pieces that then melted in the air, much to the surprise of the others. However, they did find it rather amusing. The others joined everyone to celebrate. "Brilliant plan Loki, we wouldn't've done this without you help, thank you Brother." Thor thanked. Loki responded with a simple smile and a nod. When the helicopter appeared in the sky to collect them, they all got in to return to the Headquarters.

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