Chapter Three~The Avengers Initiative.

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Savannah followed Tony and Nick onto a huge boat, but she knew it probably wouldn't be just a boat. She was waiting with Nick and Tony when two people landed in front of them from the sky. "Aah, Thor. You've arrived. Good. You and whoever you've brought with you can follow me inside where the others are waiting." Savannah greeted the two other people with a smile. She knew now however they weren't obviously people, but in fact they were Gods. Tony had mentioned Thor before, but she didn't know who the young girl was accompanying him was. Thor was huge and muscular and he had long, wavy blonde locks and he wore silver armour with a crimson red attached to it. The young girl with him had really beautiful curly dirty blonde hair and she wore a lacy multicoloured gown with a black cape attached to it. Nick led them into a huge room full of people working on computers. "Before I introduce you to everyone else, may I ask who this young lady is you've brought with you please Thor?" Nick questioned curiously. "This is Daliah, she is my younger sister." Thor told him. Daliah was her name. Okay. Nick walked over to a round table where three men were sitting. They all stood up to greet them. Savannah was surprised to see Peter Parker was one of them, saying that, he looked surprised to see her too.

Daliah felt excited to meet the rest of The Avengers. When they stopped chatting they all introduced themselves. A middle aged man greeted them first. He had side parted dark hair with grey highlights showing through and a kind but nervous smile. "Dr Bruce Banner at your service, also known as The Hulk, but hopefully you won't have to meet him." He laughed before shaking everyone's hands. The second guy to introduce himself was very young, he looked as if he was still a student. He had a brown quiff and a very geeky smile. "Peter, Peter Parker. Um, I'm Spiderman." He said awkwardly. The young girl with the other guy they met earlier but  she didn't know his name seemed surprised, they obviously had met previously. That guy approached her. He had jet black side parted hair and a moustache and a goatee beard. "Tony, Tony Stark. Iron man." He greeted. Finally the last gentleman walked towards them. He was ever so handsome. He had short light brown hair and blue eyes and was very muscular and tall. "Captain Steve Rogers, Captain America." He smirked politely, he seemed to stare at Daliah longer though, making her cheeks go red. "Girls, I think you should introduce yourselves before we figure out what you can do here." Nick informed, quite rudely in Daliah's opinion. "Hi, I'm Savannah Stark, Tony's foster daughter." The young girl, Savannah, smiled. "Hello. I'm Daliah, Thor's sister." Daliah answered with a grin. She knew they would get along easily. 

"Right. So girls, what would you like to do here?" Nick wondered curiously. Savannah and Daliah both replied at the exact same time with "I'd like to be an Avenger." Nick shook his head as did Thor and Tony. "It's a dangerous and powerful job, too strong for such young girls like you. Besides, do you have any strengths at all?" Nick asked. Savannah opened her hand to form a small ball of fire which turned into flowers. "Yes. I can control The Four Elements actually." She stated. Daliah then told him "And I'm a God, a God of Absorption." Nick nodded, he seemed more interested than before. "That could be useful, but why do you want to be an Avenger, you could help in other places." He wondered. "I want to save lives, isn't it obvious?" Savannah spoke back. Daliah agreed before adding "Yes. I want to make sure Earth is safe from harm, sir." Nick nodded again. He thought for a while. "Very well, welcome to The Avengers Initiative ladies." He welcomed. Savannah and Daliah jumped in excitement. "No. Wait. This is far to dangerous Daliah, you could get hurt." Thor moaned. "Yes Savannah, I promised Pepper I'd look after you, please, don't do this." Tony complained. Both girls shook their heads. "You told me that if Earth was in danger then WE must help to protect it Thor, so let me." Daliah reminded her brother. Savannah then took Tony's hands and begged "Tony, you said I shouldn't put my powers to waste so let me use them, please, I want to help." Tony and Thor shared looks of concern but both said "Fine." Daliah and Savannah hugged them happily. 

"So sir, what is it that's invading New York then?" Bruce Banner questioned him while leaning against the table. "The world has gotten even stranger than you already know my friends. The thing that is invading New York is unlike anything we've ever seen. At the moment we call it Venomous Fusion because it seems the tongue is poisonous and it has a lot of atomic chemicals inside of him somehow. However, we believe it's an human who's evolved into this thing by a experiment gone wrong, you know the usual, no offence Dr Banner. It can talk too. Anyway, here is what it looks like." Nick explained in detail before flicking on the projector screen in front of them and showing the image of the invader. Nick was right, it was unlike anything they'd ever seen, even in Thor's and Daliah's case. It had a head of a snake and the body was snake skin too but it seemed to take a human form. It wore a black and yellow cloak with different colours splattered on the middle of it. It seemed dangerous, non the less. "Holy sh- sugar." Tony commented. "Now, I've called you together to destroy what ever that thing is, but first, we need to discover where it came from." Nick instructed. They all nodded and with that, they got to work.

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