Chapter Ten~A Little Help From Asgard.

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A day quickly passed and both girls had not yet wakened from their coma. The team felt worried about not only the girl's health but about Venomous Fusion and Electrodile, they were the most difficult enemies yet. "I think we need to ask for help." Bruce admitted while fixing one of the weapons in the lab. "I agree, but who could help us? We need someone as powerful as us to defeat them." Peter replied. They all thought for quite a while until Thor came up with a good solution. "Would it be helpful if I returned to Asgard and asked my brother and his wife to give us a hand? They're powerful too." Thor suggested. They all nodded. "Good idea, please return quickly though, we haven't got that much time." Tony said. Thor nodded before shouting up to Heimdall to open the portal so he could return to Asgard.

It was good to be home Thor thought. There was no point denying that he had missed it. He greeted his friends as he walked towards the palace to find his brother. "Thor? Is that you, my son?" Thor's mother called from behind him.He turned around and his mother hugged him tightly. "I've missed you dearly, but where is Daliah? Why have you returned with out her?" She wondered curiously. Thor sighed miserably before telling her what happened. "She's been wounded badly Mother, she's in some kind of coma. Earth is still in danger and we need help, we cannot defeat these threats alone. I need Loki, and Rebecca. With them we'll be able to save Earth." He explained. His mother was shocked and heart broken. She pointed in the direction where Loki and his wife was before letting him go find him.

Thor ran inside the next room to find Loki sitting on a red velvet chair with Rebecca holding her hand and talking to her. "Brother? I need to speak with you and Rebecca." Thor cried. Loki and Rebecca shot their heads in his direction and waited for him to continue. "Earth is in grave danger Loki, we need your help, and Rebecca's. We can't defeat the threats with out your help. Please, I beg of you." Thor continued. Loki looked around him. "Thor... where's Daliah?" He questioned with worry clearly heard in the tone of his voice. "She's been hurt, one of the threats have put her in a coma. This is why we need your help. Please, there's no other way." Thor told him. Loki and Rebecca shared looks of surprise. "We agree to help you." Rebecca reassured him. Thor sighed with relief before all three of them went in the portal to Earth.

As soon as they returned to Earth they arrived at the Headquarters and all darted to the Infirmary ward to visit Daliah. Loki and Rebecca sat with her and both felt tears roll down their cheeks. Steve then came in not long after. "Oh, um, you must be Thor's brother and his sister in law? I'm Steve, I'm sorta dating your sister..." Steve stated awkwardly.  Loki and Rebecca both smiled before getting up to shake his hand. "Nice to meet your sir, I'm Loki and this beautiful lady is my wife, Rebecca." Loki introduced politely. Loki had quite long jet black hair which was stripped back. He wore a black and green cloak and trousers and shoes to match. His wife, Rebecca, had shoulder length dark brown hair and she wore a long green dress with a black cloak. Steve stayed with them and Daliah for a long time, forever waiting for her to awaken.

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