34 - "Are you sure about this?"

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Chapter 34 - "Are you sure about this?"

Being back in Rome was definitely something special. Even though I'd seen most of the places before, it felt like I was seeing them all for the first time again with Nathan. His knowledge was fascinating and he treated me to my own private tour of the Colosseum on Day Four of our trip, instead of having to pay for the guided one.

He acted out the part to humour me, speaking very formally with hand gestures, which sort of meant that I couldn't take him seriously, but it was entertaining all the same.

Afterwards, we strolled back through the city hand-in-hand, mainly using backstreets that Nathan was aware of for short-cuts.

The air-conditioned apartment was refreshing as we stepped inside it. I told Nathan I was going to freshen up and then made my way to my room. Once there, I collapsed on the bed. Walking around cities in hot sunshine was tiring; I now understood the concept of a siesta.

Just as I felt myself drifting off to sleep, my phone vibrated to signal a message and I jolted awake. Fumbling around, I picked up the phone and opened the message. It was from Matt. Surprisingly, my heart didn't do that silly little jumping thing, nor did my stomach do a somersault. I looked at the name, and it could have been anyone.

Opening the message, I rolled my eyes at its content.

- Is it true you're with Nathan Hunt in Italy?

I didn't bother replying. What was the point? Matt was no longer part of my life, and I liked it that way. Turning off my phone, I placed it on top of the bedside table before snuggling back down into the softness of the bed sheets.

A few minutes later, there was a light knock at the door and then Nathan stuck his head through the gap, peering inside. Upon seeing me lying on the bed, he laughed gently and then took a place next to me.

"Tiring day?"

"I think it's all catching up to me," I admitted.

With his arm draped around me, I snuggled closer and hooked one of my legs over his. He pressed his lips to my forehead, lingering there before sliding the tip of his nose across my cheekbone. Twisting in his hold, I leaned to kiss him with a soft pull on his bottom lip. His hand slid down to my lower back, fingertips biting into the base of my spine, and he slowly manoeuvred me on top of him.

I lost track of time as we kissed. This time it felt different. I felt different. Maybe it was the realisation that I was truly over Matt. Or maybe it was the fact that Nathan and I were on holiday together. Perhaps it was both. I deepened the kiss, my tongue sweeping into his mouth.

Nathan's knuckles skimmed along my sides, dragging my top upwards. As quickly as I could, I sat up and yanked it over my head before locking my lips back down onto his.

With my heart pattering to an uneven beat inside my chest, I pinched at the hem of his t-shirt and eased it upwards. Every inch of golden skin and smooth muscle it revealed sent an excited shudder down my spine. So much so, that even when he'd ducked out of the shirt and tossed it aside, I remained sat upright, straddling his hips as I raked my eyes over his torso.

It wasn't the first time I'd seen him topless, but the effect hadn't dimmed. When I lifted my gaze to his face, though, I found him watching me with such intensity that a flicker of nerves skidded through me.

"Say something." My words were hoarse, my throat dry.

The intensity in Nathan's expression softened, replaced by a more familiar glint.

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