3. Meeting

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I was waken up by Geoff and Andrew shaking me.

"What?" I mumbled.

"Sara Lopez is coming and I need the room to look presentable." Geoff answered.

"Okay, okay. I'm up," I sat up and rubbed my eyes and stretched. I checked my phone. It was 5am.

I got some clean clothes from my luggage and took a shower.

I checked my phone and it was 5:23am.

I dried off fast and put on the clean clothes I got from earlier. I opened the bathroom door so the steam would vaporise. I was shirtless and there was a knock at the door.

It was Geoff, Andrew and a very pretty girl with a blond guy.

I closed the door and put my dirty clothes into a Walmart bag and put on my shirt and socks and shoes.

I opened the door again and they were still there.

"Um? You're early. Im sorry. I just took a shower." I apologised.

They laughed except for the girl. She seemed serious.

Geoff let them in and we sat in the small table which was at the corner of the room.

I went to charge my phone and I put it in vibrate.

I sat at the table beside Geoff and the other guy. And the girl which I assume is Sara Lopez was across from me. While Andrew stood between Geoff and I.

"Shawn this is Sara Lopez. Sara this is Shawn Mendes," Geoff introduced us.

We shook hands.

"And I'm Michael Dun," the dirty blond said.

"Hi I'm Shawn Mendes," we shook hands.

Geoff opened a file and took out some papers.

"Okay. So, Michael. You want to help with the lights right?" Geoff asked.

"Yes sir," Michael answered.

"Well we wake up early for the light check. We're on tour for about two months. Are you-"

"Oh I have to the Victoria's Secret runway to film," Michael said. "But I can be there for this month."

"Oh that's okay," Andrew said.

"Okay, perfect. I want to be with Sara as much as possible. I can't stand to be away from her," Michael chuckled.

"Oh, you and Sara are dating?" I asked softly.

"Two years strong," Michael took Sara's hand and kissed it. And Sara smiled for the first time since I've met her.

"Oh and Sara?" Geoff asked and Sara looked at Geoff. "I researched you and I'd like you to be part of our crew. Like the manager of our filming and of our light."

Sara's POV

"Oh and Sara?" Geoff asked and I looked at Geoff. "I researched you and I'd like you to be part of our crew. Like the manager of our filming and of our light."

"Oh wow. What an offer." I looked at Michael and he held my hand and smiled but his eyes begged me to not do this.

I couldn't always do his way. I have a life of my own too. But I had to earn their trust and kindness.

I pulled my hand away from his and nodded at both managers.

"But I'd like it better if you'd study me. See if you like my work."

"Uh? Yeah sure," Geoff said.

"And can I bring Anna?" I asked hoping Geoff would say yes.

"What's her expertise?" Shawn asked.

I looked at him. And scratched my right hand.

"Make-up, clothing and wiring."

"Well we'd have to-"

"She's on her way," I (as kindly as I could) interrupted Shawn.


There was a knock and Shawn opened the door.

"Omg! No way! Shawn Mendes, is in front of me." Anna squealed. "Do you mind if I take a couple pictures with you?" Anna asked Shawn.

"No of course not," Shawn smiled.

Anna took selfies with Shawn and then Anna asked me to take a picture of her with Shawn.

I do it and she saved it since she takes her picture with Snapchat since it's easier to delete if you don't like it.

I do the same too.

"Thanks Shawn," Anna hugged Shawn," can I call you Shawn," Anna pulled away.

"Yeah. We'll be seeing each other for a while so yeah," Shawn chuckled.

I sat down and Michael had already signed. Geoff and Andrew went out to get the papers for Anna.

Anna and Shawn sat down to my left and Anna sat across from me.

"So what's it like being famous?" Anna asked.

"It's cool. You know, it's nice having people care about you and love you and support you. But it doesn't change me. I'm pretty laid back and nice and humble. If I do say so myself."

"I'm such a big fan. Tell me about Illuminate please," Anna held onto Shawn's arm.

"You'll just have to wait," Shawn chuckled.

"How much money will we get?" I asked.

"You'll have to deal with Geoff and Andrew about that."

I nodded.

"Well," I stood up,"Anna, Michael and I are leaving. Since tomorrow we have to go to a concert with Mr. Mendes. And we're going to have one last semi regular date night together before-"

"Sorry to interrupt but we have to drive to Boca Raton today. Because Saturday we also have another concert. So you have to get packed and come back here by 9am."

"Oh. Okay," Michael and I left. I went my apartment to finish packing while Michael started packing by himself.

It Was Love All Along (A Shawn Mendes Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now