20. Baby

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September 2018

I had not heard from Anna since after I left the tour back in 2016.

I asked Shawn if James and her were dating. He told me they dated shortly after I left tour.

When I was going to meet my dad in Toronto the flight got cancelled and I never got to tell Shawn my feelings back in 2016.

I decided to drop him and I tried to forget my feelings but he never left my mind. Especially when he had hits on the radio and he was talking to the radio hosts.

I told him all that and he said he was going to try to find me too but I had thought that he thought I hated him. But I assured him I loved him.

"Shawn? I know we've only been dating a few months but. Are you sure you want me to pop your cherry?"

"You can say virginity."

"I like saying popping the cherry."

We were in Cancun for a vacation.

After three months of keeping our dating a secret. Him and I told the press we were dating since February.

I was on a chair in the balcony and he was leaning on the glass sliding doors.

"And yes. I've never been so sure in my life."

"But we're not even married. Want to save it for marriage?"

"I'm not sure about that. It seems so far away."

"I want to meet your parents," I blurted.

His eyes grew. "Really?"

"Yes. And if you want you can later meet my parents. Oh. Did you know Kevin and my mom are dating?"


"Yeah. My mom liked him and Kevin liked her. And besides. When I was on tour he was like a dad figure to me. Protecting me and all."

October 2018

I was in Houston. In a ranch I bought.

I called Anna.


"Sara?! No way. Bitch. Why have you not called me?"

"All the meetings and the press. I'm sorry. But I really wanted to meet with you but I thought you'd be mad that I never called."

"Well I'm mad now that you were thinking that I was mad when I wasn't."

I laughed. "So you and James huh?"

"Two years strong and I think I'm pregnant. I'm only twenty-one. I'm not ready."

"What?! I want to be the godmother!"

"I don't know if I want this child. I just took a pregnancy test and I'm waiting for the results."

"Where are you? I want to see you."

"I'm in Florida. In the house that I still have."

She tried to give a laugh but I knew she wanted to cry.

"Text or call me when you get the results. I'm ordering a ticket straight to Miami."

"You're the best. I'm glad you called."

"I love you bye."

"Me too bye."

Anna hadn't called me. I had already ordered my plane tickets to Miami and I decided to call Shawn.

"Hey babe," I said.

"What's up?"

"Going to Florida. How's tour?"

"Wish you were here but it's great. Not as great because you're not here though."

"Aw thanks baby and I know I'm sorry. I had to attend something here in Houston. I'll see you when you go to Seattle though."



"So why are you going to Florida?"

"To see Anna. I haven't seen or talked to her since I left the tour back in 2016."

"Oh. Well the fans are about to come in for sound check. I'll talk to you later. I love you."

"Have fun. I love you too."

"I love you more."

"No. I do. Now go. I'll never stop loving you," I smiled.

"I won't ever. You're my one and only."

"I love you baby."

"I love you too." He chuckled.

I hung up with a smile on my face.

(A/N I'm trying not to go straight to the next plot (The problem of the story)Some juicy things are happening.)

It Was Love All Along (A Shawn Mendes Love Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن