14. Happy Birthday

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August 7, 2016

Nashville, Tennessee

Some of the crew and I were ready to surprise Shawn on stage with a birthday cake.

I held the camera and we went out.

Shawn's face was so happy.

The crew and the crowd started singing happy birthday.

He blew out the candles and then he thanked the crowd and continued singing.


We were in the bus and we had the entrance table full of envelopes and gift bags.

My note was in the blue bag on the table.

I was in the back of the crowd. I decided to ride with Anna this time because a friend of Shawn's was over.

Before he opened my bag I walked out quickly and hugged him happy birthday and Anna and I left to her bus.

"Why did you want to leave so early," she asked. 

"I didn't feel well but if you want you can go. My gift is the one with-"

"You're coming with me Sara Elizabeth Lopez," she took my hand and dragged me to Shawn's bus.

We walked in without making any commotion.

He opened my bag and there was a hundred dollar bill and the shell surfer necklace.

"Who's is this?" He asked.

"Mine," I halfway raised my hand with my left arm supporting my right elbow.

He smiled and opened it and took out the hundred dollar bill and everyone clapped. Then the necklace and he looked up at me and put it on. He looked in the bag and I knew he saw the envelope.

He folded the envelope and stuffed it in his front pocket.

I walked out and someone followed me. I was on a hill near the buses and I laid on the grass looking up at the stars.

I look to my left and see Kevin walking up the hill.

"What's wrong Sara?"

"I," I started quietly tearing up. "I don't want to do this anymore."

"Shawn?" He sat next to me and I sat up.

"I don't want to like him. I don't want to be hated on. I should've never accepted this. I should just quit. I just had a two year break up and I'm already falling for Shawn," I shredded my tears. I wiped them away.

"This happens. I see the way y'all act. He's head over heels for you. Does he make you happy?"

"Yes. I just- I just think it's too soon."

"He seemed to like your present."

"I should just quit. I can't with this. I can't. I've never liked atten-"

"But yet you get it. It's like Shawn. He never meant to get this far. It just happened. Just like you. You graduated college at like nineteen. You got major newspaper attention. It just happened. I'm surprised how you're not on TV."

"My mother called me a few days ago I had an interview with James Corden and some news reporters," I sniffed my runny nose.


"They said I could come after the tour."

"Well that's fantastic. But do you want to do it?"

"I mean. It would be nice to be on TV but I'm already on TMZ for being Shawn's new fling."

"They're stupid. Do what you want to do."

"Then I'll do it," I laid down and starred at the sky.

(A/N I love the video. It gets me in tears and Shawn quote retweeted it on his Twitter so the credits go to those girls that made it. They made a great job on that video. He's 18. He's gone so far. He's my inspiration to play the guitar. I honestly don't know what I'd be doing without him involved in my life:') )

It Was Love All Along (A Shawn Mendes Love Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin