13. OTP

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August 6, 2016

St. Louis, Montana

It was Shawn's birthday in two days and I still had nothing. I got paper and a pen and a book to lean on. I  started writing him a note.

Dear Shawn,

     I want to thank you for giving me the best months of my life. Going in this tour is probably one of the best things that's happened in my life. This tour has been memorable. I've left some things and I've gained some things, like, friends. But anyways, it's your birthday man. You're finally 18, old enough to drink in Europe and old enough to go to a bar or a club. Lmao. At this moment (I wrote this two days before your birthday). Go like some pictures or videos of fans that have been trying to perfect  for weeks, hell even months. Go like some happy birthday tweets. Do a live broadcast. Thanks for everything. And don't worry. I have a present for you. A shirt or something that'll last a long time... hopefully lol. Happy 18th birthday Shawn.

     Sincerely, Sara Elizabeth Lopez

I finished and folded it hamburger style. I put it on my keyboard and then closed my laptop and put my iMac in my bag. I had started sleeping in the top bed and my backpack was at my feet.

Shawn slept on the other top bunk across from me and Geoff and Andrew slept on the bottom bunks. Andrew under me and Geoff under Shawn.

I jumped off and I opened the mini fridge and I found a coffee that I made myself yesterday.

It was cold. Just how I liked it. I had ordered a necklace. A shell necklace. Like the one that surfers wear. Little pieces of shells all the way to the screw.

It was in my bag. I bought it for me. I thought it was cute but I had no outfit to go with it.

I changed into a maroon shirt, loose black shorts, jean jacket and boots.

I went to Walmart with Kevin and we bought a gift bag. It was light blue.

I got a nice beige envelope and I also got myself and Kevin an ice cream cup.

We went back to bus and Shawn and the guys were awake. We then walked to the theatre to see if everything was okay.

Shawn was on stage.

I was in the lounge with Anna.

"So? You and James, huh?"

"Shit. Who told you?"

"I wanted you to tell me but I asked James if he was talking to anyone and he said you."

"I was going to tell you. I swear."

"I know. I know." I laughed.

"I'm really sorry. I really did want to tell you. I just wanted to make sure taut James and I were actually hitting it off."

"I believe you. So? Do you like him?"

"I mean. Yeah. He's so cute and so humble," Anna started gazing off.

I laughed.

"Date! Y'all would be so cute together," I repeated what I told James back in Milwaukee.


"Absolutely. Go on a date, kiss, make out, fuck, get pregnant, he'll marry you and then you'll have babies and life happily ever after."

"Sara," Anna said. And I laughed.

"I was joking. I was joking."

"Did you know Shawn is releasing a song?"

"Not to be mean or anything but why should I care?"

"You'll see. I'll let Shawn tell you himself." She evilly grinned. "So? You and Shawn, huh?" She mimicked me.

"No. Two year break up. Not ready to jump in a new relationship. Especially not with a big and young celebrity. I'll go out and go to the club but no sex for me for 6 months."

"It's been almost a month so 5 more months. Great. Get ready to pop Shawn's cherry," Anna joked.

"He's not even eighteen yet."

"But after six months he'll be 18. So you want to fuck him during winter, huh? January, so you can keep each other warm?"

"Oh dear no. Stop. Please. Shawn and I are not having sex. I'm two years older than him."

"Love has no age."

"This is not love."

"I know it wasn't with Mike but it sure is for Shawn. Cmon. It's obvious you two are flirting and getting touchy."

"I forbid myself to date anyone I work with."

"You dated Mike."

"Before this tour. He's probably fucking a model from Victoria's Secret."

"Well you did what you think was right. And besides I told you in the beginning he seemed possessive."

"I know. I know. I should've listened."

"I don't want to tell you that I told-"

"I bet James is lonely. Why don't you accompany him?"

"Wow. Well if you insist," she stood up and hugged me and left me alone.

I opened up Instagram and went to the search page and there were pictures of me coming out of Walmart and pictures of me with Shawn. This was getting out of hand.

I read the comments. 'Does anyone know her user?' 'What's her name?' 'Is Shawn dating her?'

Some captions and comments were rude saying that I was not meant for Shawn. I don't see why people hate on me. I haven't even done anything wrong. I've never insulted or offended somebody that I don't know.

Some captions and comments were nice and understanding saying and I worked for him.

I smiled at the understanding one's.

I gained followers not just by Shawn Mendes fan accounts but by some bands and celebrities too.

I don't put mind to it.

I logged out of Instagram and went onto Twitter. I tweet about my day and some random things.

It was about 10pm so Shawn should be finishing up with the songs.

I got up and prepared to help turn everything off.

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