23. Drunk & Breakfast

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I was not totally drunk but I was tripping and tipping over. Shawn held my arm to my house and then carried me in bridal style the rest of the way.

"Did you know we were two different cells?!"


"And if you think about it you had bones and meat in your stomach, when you're pregnant. Does that in some way make you a cannibal?!"


"Did you know dark chocolate contains phenylethylamine- a chemical that our brain releases when we fall in love?!!"

"That's cool."

Shawn got my keys and he opened the door.

"Why are you carrying me like this to my house?" I whined," we aren't even married yet."

"We don't have to be married for me to carry you like this babe."

"Uhhhh, ha."

"Uh. Let's change you and-"

"No. No." I told him to put me down kindly though. "I am drinking." I got the keys from his hands and got my alcohol cabinet keys. I had them locked away because Shawn was still underage for alcohol.

I got tequila and vodka out and then locked my cabinet.


"Yeah?" We looked at me while I opened the tequila bottle and served myself a glass.

"Are you scared?"

"Of what?"

"Okay two questions actually. But are you scared I'll become alcoholic?"

"No. I believe you're smart enough to know that that'll shorten your life span," he smiled and took off his jacket and folded it in half.

"And are you scared about having a baby?"

"A baby?"

"Yeah. Because we've been dating for like a year now. And you seem like- never mind. You'll never marry me." I finished my drink.

"Maybe I will. And I'd really like that." He walked towards me.

I poured myself some vodka and I took a sip.


"Yeah. I want my wife to be smart and have a great personality and be shorter than me. And you fit all of that and your beauty is a bonus."

"Shawn. I feel like I really, I like really love you."

"I feel the same." He chuckled.

"Really?" I smiled in drunken happiness and giggled.

"Yeah," he stepped closer to me and put my glass down and he hugged me. "You're so different but like in a very, very unique way."

"You're something I don't want to lose," I kissed his neck and then laid my head on his shoulder and my eyes grew heavy.


I felt Sara drop all her weight on me and I lifted her legs to my waist and walked to the room we shared.

In her half sleepy state she was conscious enough to lazily wrap her arms around my neck so she wouldn't fall.

I chuckled and I got some makeup wipes and wiped all her make up off. I took off her pink fluffy coat and hanged it on her closet and I felt my jacket on a chair in the room.

I unzipped her dress.



"Get your dress off I'm changing you."

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