Chapter 1

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"Hmm...lets see here..." Leone said pouting, as she searched her pockets for money. None. She was currently walking around central, scouting for the next chump she could take advantage of. Her eyes lay to rest on a girl, and boy her age, and a small lynx.

The boy had forest green eyes, with dusty brown, spiky hair. He wore a black jacket, jeans, and combat boots. The girl, whos was a head shorter then her tall companion, had on a pink dress, a jean jacket, with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, and small black shoes with small heals. Her long brown hair tied back in a high pony tail, and her forest green eyes glinting with happiness.

Leone grins. Bingo. "Hey there!" Leone shouted as she walks over to them. The boy looks up, with a blank, natural expression. He didn't like the looks of the skimpy, mischievous looking woman whom had approached him and his sister.

"Hi im Marie!!" The brown haired girl says happily, immediately trusting Leone. Marie was the kind of person who was...well..pure. She had never cursed in her life, and her posativity was limitless. She could make anyone feel better with just a smile.

"Say, you two look new here." Leone says. The boy narrowed his eyes, become more and more suspicious by the minute. He stared at Leone for the entire time she was speaking. "We are." He responds. "my names Leone!~" The short haired blond girl says happily. "But you can call me big sis!"

Marie smiles happily. "Alright big sis! I'm Marie, Thanks jay," she introduced, gesturing to the small, fluffy lynx, standing next to her leg. "And that's my big brother Haru!" she says. Haru nods blankly, in a greeting.

Leone grinned. This was going t be way too easy. "You two got any money with ya?" She asks, hopefully, but hiding it. "N-" Haru was about to lie and say no, but Marie cut him off. "yeah!" she says innocently, holding out a bag of money they brought with from their home. Leones eyes glinted with excitement.

" I think i like you two, wanna go get something to eat? I mean, i'm broke, but you two have lots of cash~~" She points out. "Okay!" Marie says, loving the idea of getting to know a potential new friend. Haru wanted to object to them trusting a stranger so quickly, but when he looked, and say his younger sisters hopeful smile, he melted. "Alright." He agreed.

The four of them walked to a near by bar and sat down. After a while of them talking, and getting to know each other, with a very drunk Leone enjoying every minute, she finally stood up. "Well, i think ill be taking my leave now, i hope to see ya around later." She says and winks, walking out of the bar.

As soon as she was down the street, Leone grins, holding up the money she stole from the two unfortunate siblings. "Thank you~" She sang as she walks out of town, heading back to the base, hoping to make it back in time for the mission they had that night. The boss, Najenda, Would kill her if she was out drinking while she was supposed to be on a job.

Leone walked hole, sobering up quickly. It was a talent of hers. She always thought it was because of the imperial arm she used, that she never stayed drunk very long. It didn't really spark her curiosity that much, so she never tried to figure it out. She walks back into the base and to the meeting room, where everyone was preparing for the mission.

Akame Ga Kill Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora