Chapter 14

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"goodbye haru." Esdeath said, as she Heald her ice sword up to harus neck, ready to plunge it into his chest. Haru was ties to a wooden post, in the middle of the execution ring, surrounded by hundreds of people who are there to watch. He gritts his teeth and looks her straight in the eye.

Suddenly the south wall of the arena, blasts up, sending chunks on concrete everywhere. Haru looks, wide eyes, to see mine walking him, holding pumpkin. Akame and Leone run in behind haru, and untie him quickly.

Esdeath looks atminee frowning. "Your from the wanted posters." She says darkly. "That's right, I'm mine from night raid, and we are here to get haru back." Mine says grinning. Esdeath draws her sword and runs forward. "Not today!" She shouts.

Mine grins and aims pumpkin. "Entering the execution room of the opponents the great general budo...and the capitals strongest, I'm face with a scene that means certain death, pumpkins firepower raises to levels no one's ever seen before!!!"she shouts and fires, blasting esdeath back into the wall.

Akame and Leones eyes widen in pure shock, and disbelief. "She just hit esdeath...n-no ones ever done that before..." Akame says in astonishment. Esdeath walks out, grining darkly at mine, and wipes the blood off her cheek. "Your the first person to ever harm me, mine." She says, and summons a GIGANT ice ball above them all.

"Like that will work!" Mine yells as she fires at the ice, shattering it. Akame jumps up, aiming to stab esdeath in the back. Esdeath whips around, blocking Akame sword with her own ice sword. Leone jumps up, about to kick esdeath to the ground, but esdeath dodges, kicking Leone onto the ground, standing her heal into Leones back, still blocking Akame sword.

Haru swipes his sword at esdeath, but she jumps up, avoiding the blast. Mid air, she gets hit by pumpkins fore again, amd is blown into the wall. At that time, budo walks up behind mine, and slams her harshly I to the wall. Akame whips around and narrows her eyes. "Budo..!" She shouts.

Budo glares. "How disgusting. You night raid blow down out walls, then attack so sloppily! I'll pit you to rest for good!"he shouts angrily. Leones eyes widen, knowing what's going to happen next. "Watch out!" She shouts as budo summons lighting and it hits the ground. All of night raid manages to dodge the blasts.

From up above, they hear the loud whistle of najenda, and all look up to see her on a danger b flying danger beats. Tatsumi picks up Marie and haru, while Leone gets Akame and mine, jumping up, as the all land on the beast with najenda, and start to fly away.

"Noy do fast!" They head, as budo sflys up, to stop them. Mine gritts her teeth and struggles to stand up,aiming pumpkin at him. "Mine stop, you don't have enough strength!" Akame shouts mine glares and fires, a large blast,destroying general budo, and pumpkin shatters, as she falls backwards.

Haru catches her quickly. Mines breathing starts to slow down. Harus eyes widen in horror. "Mine!" He shouts as he stares down at the small girl in his arms. She opens her eyes weakly, looking up at him. "I'm...sorry haru..." she says, and kisses him. A tear falls from harus eye as she stops and goes limp, her heart stopping completely. "Mine..." he wonders and holds her dead body close, in a hug.

Najenda watches them. "...this battle was not a loss. Our comrades have not died for nothing." She says, then looks at Marie. "This was all that was left." Najenda says as she hands Marie Lubbock's goggles. Marie nods and takes them, putting them on. 'we will avenge you lubbock. And mine, and all the others! We will destroy the empirior, and Finnish the job you all died trying to do.' she thinks.

Akame Ga Kill Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon