Chapter 13

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Lubbock runs out into the court yard, holding a sword he stole from the guard, when he sees a man, facing him. "Your a prisnor. I have permission to kill you. Your dead." He says. Lubbock glares and runs at him. "no way!!!" He shouts as he runs at the man. Suddenly the man slashes his sword down, slicing Lubbock in half, from the shoulder to the torso.

Lubbock's eyes widen and falls over onto his back. 'fuck...this can't be the end...' he thinks. 'a coward like me...didn't crack....even after I had a ball crushed...Marie...I wanted to see you last time...' Lubbock thinks weakly, as he reaches a hand up to the sky. "Marie... I did well...right...?" He whispers, and his heart slows to a stop.

Marie's eyes widen, tears streaming down her face. "No...Lubbock you can't be" Marie murmurs and starts to cry, and grits his teeth. "Damn that bitch! I'll kill him!" She shouts, sobbing. "Marie..?" Mine asks, walking in, having heard her shout. "m-marie, are you ok?" She asks.

Leone and Akame walk in too, looking concerned. "Sweetie, your crying..what happened?" Leone asks, sitting next to her on the bed. Mines eyes widen. "Was it haru?!" She asks, fearfully. "No...not haru...l-lubbock..." Marie says, crying harder. "H-hey was just killed!" She shouts.

Leones eyes widen, and tears stream down her face as she hugs Marie tightly. "Oh honey..." she murmurs sadly. Mine bites her tongue, trying to stay strong, and Akame looks calm, and is devastated on the inside. "...harus exposition is being Heald today, by the great general budo, and the emperors strongest, esdeath. Eithor way it's a trap." She says, trying to help them move on from morning Lubbock's death.

Mine nods and grabs pumpkin. "Let's go." She says angrily. "Right." Leone says, glareing furiously. "We are gonna murder the bitch that killed lub." She says and gets up.

'lubbkck...I promise I'll continue to smile....for you...' marie thinks, and wipes her tears away, standing up.

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