Chapter 3

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"Im confused." Marie says, looking around the Night Raid hide out. "About what?" Sheele asks, looking up from the book she was reading. "Why am i here?" Marie asks, confused. Last night, they had been brought here, without an explanation. "your joining us." Leone informs her, grining from ear to ear. "Oh thank god!" Marie exclaims, relived. "I thought it was cause we did something bad or something." she explains. "I thought that too when i was brought here." Tatsumi says, remembering the time he joined, also haveing been dragged by Leone.

"Oh yeah, what are your names?" Marie asks. "Oh, im Tatsumi, thats Sheele, Bro- i mean Bulant, Leone, and the others arent here." Tatsumi explains to the short brown haired girl, and her brother. Suddenly, Mine throws open the doors to the room theyre all in, angery. " LEONE WHAT THE HELL?! WHY ARE THESE IDIOTS STILL HERE?!" She shouts in annoyance. Marie blinks, supprised and confused by Mines sudden out burst, and arrival. "Theyre joining us." Leone explains simply, as Haru looks at Mine.

"I wont accept it." Mine states coldly. "No, wait, i wont accept HIM" She corrects herself, glareing, and pointing at Haru accuseingly. "Whats wrong with me?!" Haru says annoyed, and supprised. He already hated this short pink haired girl. "You obsyoully have no life, expirince, or class. your worthless and will drag the team down." Mine states. Haru glares angery by her insults. "Dont mind her, thats Mines way of welcomeing new members!" Leone says. "Hmph, whatever.

"So these are the two joining us Leone?" The white hiared commander of the league of assassins says, watching from where she sits in her chair. "I think so!" Marie says happily. Meanwhile, haru frowned, thinking hard. 'I dont get it...Marie never just walks up to people so easily and say everything like that...its almost like she knows them...but thats impossible..right?' he thinks.

"Alright then, Mine, you train haru. Lubbock, you train marie." The white haired lady states. Both Mine and Lubbocks jaw drop. "WHAT?!" They both shout in synch. "IM not training that dumbass!" Mine shouts in protest. "Last time i trained someone, they burned me alive!" Lubbock shouted. "Shut up, you desirved it." Tatsumi said, as both of the boys remembered the time when tatsumi was cooking, and lubbock happend to walk in to egt him for training at that fateful moment.

"You start tomorrow." Najemda states fermly. "Hmph." Mine huffs, in annoyance. She defiantully didnt want to be the one to train Haru. Lubbock didnt mind training Marie, he was just worried he wold mess it up again, like he did with Tatsumi that one time. Haru glares at Mine, not wanting to be trained by her. He hated the thought of being bossed aroung by the short bossy, pink haired girl. He could already tell it was going to be a long stay.

Marie on the other hand was excited to spend time with lubbock. In her opinion, Lubbock was the most interesting member of night raid. She was curious to find out how those string things worked. It facinated her. She also couldnt help but notice how amazeingly soft his hair looked. It was driving her craizy not knowing how he got it that pretty!

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