Chapter 15

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Marie woke up the next morning, and sat in her bed, looking at the goggles she heald in her hand. She couldn't decide if she was keeping them as a last reminder of Lubbock, or so she wouldn't get her hopes up, that he would be alive. Every night she continued to wish she would wake up and it would all be a dream. That she could wake up and see Lubbock next to her. So she could hug and kiss him again. So she could see his beautiful smile... She starred down at the goggles in her hands. She missed Lubbock tremendously, and it had only been two days.

Haru was having a hard time forgetting mine too. He had keeps one if the black ribbons she had kept in her hair, as a memory, so he would remember her always. She had died yesterday, and he had burred her body next to saio and ieyasus graves. He engraved her head stone and everything, burying her with the only piece of her precious pumpkin he could recover. The trigger block.

Marie had tears in her eyes. As she was deep in thought, she hears a knock on her door. "Come in." She says softly. Leone walks in grinning. "Today's the day this hell ends! The army ready to go!" Leone cheers happily. Today was the day they attack, and overthrow the emperor.

"Hey Leone... do you think he will mind that I'm wearing his goggles?" Marie asks, referring to Lubbock. Leone smiles sadly. "I'm sure he would love it....I'm glad you two where in love..." she says sadly, as Leone remembered how she had been in love with haru until he was taken by mine, then fell for Lubbock until he confessed to Marie.

Marie, who was wearing the necklace, hugs Leone tightly. "It's ok..." she says with tears in her eyes. She had heard Leones thoughts. She never knew Leone had felt that way...

"I know. Let's get back to the others, Kay?" Leone says grining, wiping her eyes. Marie nods. "Alright." She says, smiling. The two girls walk back to the remaining members of night raid. "Are you all ready?" Najenda says sternly.

All the members nod. "Yes mam!" They shout. She grins. "Come on night raid, let's give em hell!!!" She shouts and leads the army records the capital, on horseback. They all arrive at the wall. "Alright night raid, blow it down and fight hard! This is it so make it count!" Najenda shouts.

'lubbkck...mine...Sheele...bulant...I wish you guys could be here to see this. You would have loved to fight this battle along side us. I'll fight hard for all of you!' Marie thought as she got ready to fight.

'mine, I won't let you down. I know if I mess up, you'll kick my ass when I see you again. I'll be strong, and fight enough for both of us.' haru thinks determinedly. He missed mine more then anything, but he knew she would never want him morning too long.

From the outside, it might look like the two siblings have moved on from their partners deaths. But the cruel reality was, both of them where haunted by it. And neither would ever forget.

"Onward!!!" Najenda screamed as the army filled with hundreds of people screamed battle cries, as haru, Leone and tatsumi blow down the wall, and the battle that will change everything, began.

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