chapter 16

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It had been a year.

The army had won, and Najenda now ruled the kingdom. Marie lived with her brother, still wearing Lubbocks goggles on her head daily. Akame and Leone where the only ones to survive the war. Tatsumi and the others had perished in battle.

Marie liked her now quiet life. She didnt have to do much. Haru had a job at a local cafe. It payed well so Marie and Jay didn't have to worry about money. But she did miss her Lubbock.

And Haru missed Mine. 

The two missed everyone on the team. They hadn't seen Akame or Leone since the battles end. They had said they wanted to travel the world together, and left. They had had no contact at all. Haru often wondered if they where still alive. 

Of course they're alive, they survived the great war didn't they? Haru had these thoughts as he wiped down the counter at work. The days juts kept getting longer and longer. He began missing mine more and more. 

Haru finished his shift and changed out of his uniform, walking onto the busy night street. He walked down the sidewalk, thinking yet again, about mine. HE walked into his house where he was greeted by jay, with a friendly pet. 

He gave a sigh and laid down on the couch, closing his eyes as jay hopped up and sad on his stomach. It seemed as fate would have it, he couldn't catch a break. right as he laid down, the door bell rang. 

Haru heaved himself up and walked to the door, opening it. He could feel his eyes widen, as the two standing before him where none other then Leone and Akame. 

Leone gave a grin and looked up at him. "We are going to bring night raid back."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2017 ⏰

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