Chapter 2

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"Ngh...s-stop! lease! i-..i cant breath!" The little girl said, coughing and clawing at Leones hand, as she heald her up to the window in a choke hold. Her golden lioness eyes glinted in the moonlight and she growled out a response. "You've got such beautiful hair girlie~ ill be sure to rip it to shreds!" She shouted, tightening her grip until the small little girl stopped breathing completely. Leone dropped her on the floor, not caring anymore and stepped over her.

Meanwhile, Lubbock had caught the child's mother in crosstails strings, and had her hands above her head, hanging her there, trapped. "Damn, your beautiful. Such a waste i have to kill you." He said, scanning her up and down. The green haired assassin was a pervert, a bit one for that matter. "Please, let me go! Im innocent!" The beautiful woman pleaded, tears running down her makeup coated cheeks, making her mascara run. 'Well that is not very attractive.' Lubbock thought.

"Whats going on?" He hears a feminine voice from behind him. He turns his head to see the short brown haired girl in a pony tail. Marie. "Huh? Shoot, i didn't see you on the list of targets..." Lubbock said. He was more confused of how the girl had gotten so close to him with out getting cut by any of his wires. It shouldn't have been possible. "Who are you?" He asked, slightly suspicious.

"I don't know." She answered, smiling cutely. He blinks in confusion. "what do you mean you don't know?" He asked her. "I don't really know who i am, but you can ask my brother! hes hieing over there!" Marie says happily, and points to where her older companion, and the lynx where hiding. Haru groaned and walks out, in view now. "Marie, do tn go causing trouble, get back here now." Haru said. He didn't want to show it, but he was scared the green haired boy would hurt Marie, if she stayed over there any longer.

"Im not causing trouble!" Marie says, pouting. At least she didn't think she was. "Please! I'm begging you, let me go! I haven't done anything wrong!" The beautiful woman, who had been forgotten until she had spoken up moments ago, cried out, sobbing. "I don't think green boy would have you in that position if that where true." Marie pointed out, siding with the man she just met. Sometimes it astonished Haru, of how naive his younger sister could be.

"Ill wrap this up now." Lubbock said as he moves his fingers, and the womans head is sliced clean off her shoulders. "Ouch. That looked painful." Marie said, having watched the whole thing. "It was actually quite painless. Much more then she deserved. You know, now that you two have seen my face, im going to have to kill you." Lubbock said. Harus eyes widened. "Why?" Marie asked, looking up at Lubbock with wide, confused eyes.

"Why? Well-" Lubbock was about to explain, when Leone runs over and cuts him off before he had a chance. " Oh hey, its those two cuties from earlier! And the little lynx!~" Leone said happily. Marie looked at Leone, at first thrown off, because Leone was still in her beast lioness form, but then remembered, they had met before. "Your the lady who stole my big brothers money!" She exclaimed. "Why'd you do that?" She asks.

"I was broke, and wanted booze." Leone laughed happily. Haru narrowed his eyes. Leone looks at them both and grins slyly. "You know what, i like you two. You look promising." She said. "Oh no..." Lubbock said, knowing exactly where this conversation was headed. "Not again..." Tatsumi said, having walked up after finishing off the father of the family of slave drivers. This scene seemed all too familiar to him.

"Ive decided!!!~" Leone shouts happily. "You two are joining Night Raid!!!" She explains. Marie blinks in confusion, and Harus jaw drops. 'No way...she cant be serious!' He thinks. "Lets get back to base!" Leone shouts and jumps onto the roof. Lubbock grabs onto Marie and uses Crosstails strings to jump to the roof too, as Tatsumi uses incersio to carry Haru and Jay, onto the roof too, ignoring their complaints.

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