Getting some smoothies

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"I'm parched," Wisteria complained. "Same," said Julian. They headed towards Captain Melville's Juice Hut. Bepper followed.
"Bring me back a strawberry smoothie!" Hollered Aparri.

"Welcome to Captain Melville's Juice Hut, what the (your message was blocked because it may not be appropriate) do you want?" Said the penguin working there, flatly.
"We'll take one of every smoothie," Wisteria said cheerfully.
"Just don't pee in the ocean, after seeing that jammers run in here, that means more animal interaction," the penguin got to work.

Once the smoothies arrived, the trio sat on the pillows. After finishing, they eventually got bored.

"Why don't we use the karaoke machine?" Julian piped up. The other two agreed and he gestured to the penguin.
"I'm going to freaking Kilimanjaro you people," he said as he set it up.

Julian hopped on stage as he set up the song. He started to sing "Just a small town girl, living in a lonely world, she took the midnight train going anywhere."
Wisteria jumped on on stage and sang with him, "Just a city boy, born and raised in South Detroit, he took the midnight train going anywhere."

Bepper just sat on her pillow and laughed.

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