Where were you?

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Aparri and Bepper walked into their den only to find their parents sitting in chairs near the door. The room was silent for a short while until Momparri broke it.

"Where were you?" She said, tears in her eyes.
"Um, we were at Crystal Sands..." Aparri's voice cracked.
"That's no excuse!" Their father said sternly.
"I don't get it, we came home safely and we never had a curfew." Bepper said nervously.
"But you went out without telling us." Their mom looked at them with an update countenance.
"Kids, from now on your curfew is nine and your not allowed to go out after sunset alone." Dadparri put a paw on his son's shoulder.

There was a tense feel in the room. Bepper had finally worked up the courage to speak up.

"I don't see why we're in trouble." Bepper unusually sassed
"Mia called us after you didn't pick up..." Momparri reassured her kids.

Bepper was frustrated, she ran up to her room holding her cell phone in her mouth. Aparri shamefully went to his room and sulked.

In her room, Bepper flipped through her voice mails, "How did I not see this..." she trailed off.

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