The Stuff Going on at Tierney's

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The aquarium, a place were little kids can annoying helpless sea creatures at the touch pool for the sake of education (jk, I like the aquarium). Oh, but what is this? Something else going down. Drama, perhaps?

The group walked into the aquarium. Wisteria was fascinated by the sea jellies, Julian2 eyed the sharks, and bepper played with a sting ray at the touch pool. But, something else caught her eye.

"Hey Snowyclaw!" Bepper ran over to her friend.
"Um, hi," the queen of Jamaa smiled.
"I need to ask you a favor," said Bepper, filled with excitement.
"Um, what is it?" asked Snowy.
"I need you to write an article on Jisteria for the Mirazine!" Belperade frantic paw gestures.
"Well, I don't think it's been confirmed, that would be false, I can't lie to everyone!" Snowyclaw explained to Bepper.
"Please?" Bepper pleaded using extreme puppy dog eyes.
"I could write an article on ships and slip them in there," Snowy bargained, Bepper agreed.

On the other side of the aquarium.
"Ok Bus, I'm going to need you to distract Julian while I talk to Wisteria," Aparri said to his friend.
"Ok," Bruzier agreed.

"Hey Julian, I bet I can say the oddest thing!" Bussness waved over at the horse.
"Your on," Julian was prepared.

"Hey Wisteria," Aparri walked over to the wolf. "You're like a pearly tiara, beautiful and rare".
"Hahahshahhahahahha! Nice one Aparri," Wisteria laughed. She knew Aparri was into her, but she wasn't and wanted just to be friends.
In the distance you could here a faint "Friend Zoned".

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