A Party to Remember

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  Bepper paced the floor of her den, "Guys, this needs to be perfect! Snowyclaw, start decorating. Aparri, can I stand on your back to hang up this banner? Lilac, set up the kareokee  station. Who can get the drinks? Where is the DJ?" Bepper tried to breath in and out.

  She claimed up her brother with the banner in her mouth, just when she heard a voice say, "Bepper." She was startled and stumbled off.

  She looked up from her position on the carpet. "Snowyclaw? What is it?"

  Her friend gestures to the corner, "Bepper, I need to talk to you." Snowy said.
"You're not OK today, anything wrong?" She cocked her head in worry.
"Nothing.... It's just.... I'm.. I'm a little stressed right now..." She winced as she stepped.
"Bepper, what's that on your tail?" Snowy pointed to a large red scratch.
"The thing, that thing that Wisteria described, it attacked me last night. Or, I think that's what it was...." She swallowed a lump in her throat.
"What ever is put there, it's dangerous, I threw this party to take everyone's mind off of it, but, I think now it's to keep everyone safe and to keep them from going out. I'm not exactly sure what to do right now and not exactly sure if this will work." She smiled, please help me with this...."

   It was a cold night at Fman122's house. His small house den was worn and old, and his lack of gems to pay the energy bill with had caused a lack of ac. It was also wet on the rug, from either dripping rain, spilled potion, or hamster pee. But even with all these distractions, he still managed to sceem  with his friend turned partner in crime.

  "OK Wretched, let's try not to mess this up. Do you have the equipment?"  said the wolf.

  "Yeah, it's kind of cheap, but it will do, do you have your disguise?" The tiger answered.

"Yep" Fman donned his disguise.

  Wisteria was sitting in her room trying on an outfit. The skirt was too tight and the flower crown got tangled in her fur. Wisteria decided to put on a new skirt, and replaced the crown with her top hat. She quickly put on her make up and went downstairs. The one thing she didn't change though, was her half a heart necklace. Julian had given it to her on the Friendship festival, it came with a little Jam-a-gram that said "More than friends". She knew what it meant, but had still denied it. Oh crap! It was getting late, she went down to head to the party.

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