Time to leave

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It was sunset, the lowering sun meant it was time for everyone to part.
"Let me just take a picture with you guys first," Bepper to out her smart phone. The picture was taken and everyone was off.

Wisteria was going to Jamaa Township, Julian to Zios, and Bepper and Aparri to Serpeia. As the siblings were walking, Bepper was looking intensely at her iphantom.

"Look at it!" Bepper shoved her phone in her brother's face.
"What am I supposed to be seeing here?" inquired Aparri.
"Duh! The fact that Julian and Wisteria are absolutely perfect for each other!" Bepper was more excited about the ship than usual.
"Look at how the setting sun perfectly frames their faces, as if they were destined to be together!" Bepper had gone full throttle shipper.
"Sunsets don't lie!!!!" Bepper screamed.

Aparri looked at Bepper as if she was insane. "Ya, neither does cake" he said sarcastically.
"Pfft, it's destiny," Bepper mumbled.

Sunsets Don't Lie, Neither Does Cake.Where stories live. Discover now