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Julian came home to his den, his parents were out on a business trip. He plopped down on the couch and turned on the T.V. Then he heard his smart phone rang, he pulled it out from under his pirate sword and answered it.

"Hello?" He waited for an answer.
"Hi, it's Wisteria," his crush replied shakily.
"Julian, I need you to heed my warning."
"Huh?" The horse was confused.
"There's something, er, someone out there!" She was stressed out, wanting to make sure her friend was safe.
"What do you mean?" The boy asked.
"He was chasing me on the street, he gave me this scar and took a bit of my fur..."

"You sure it wasn't just some drunk coming home from Club Geoz a little too late?" The Stallion tried to reassure the wolf.
"Julian, take this seriously! What I'm trying to say is... be careful," and with that, WisteriaMoon hung up.

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