Chapter 4

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As Chanyeol walked around he realized he didn't know the area and was lost. Chanyeol pretended to know where he was until he walked into an alley.

Chanyeol flopped to the ground and cried. He didn't know why but he couldn't stop. Who would have told Baekhyun about that? He hoped it was all in the past now, it happened 8 months ago.

Chanyeol didn't know if the fact that someone betrayed him and told Baekhyun that, or that Baekhyun felt the nerve to bring it up, hurt him more. Then he remembered what Baekhyun said,

"Yes probably, unless you tend to cheat on all your boyfriends you fag."

What did Baekhyun think he said that for. Chanyeol felt so frustrated, he stopped crying and took out his phone.

He needed to go for a ride but didn't know who to call. One of his "close friends" talked behind his back, and everyone else was probably asleep seeing as it was 1am.

Chanyeol went to his texts and saw an unknown number, the text said

'Hey it's me, it's you, Chanyeol! Save this number'

Chanyeol couldn't remember who it was but he called that number.

"Hello?" A guys voice said.

"Hey, I know this is weird because we just met not long ago." Chanyeol said trying to cover up the fact that he had no idea who he was talking to. "But I'm lost and I wanted to know if you could pick me up?"

"Yeah sure where are you?" The guy replied.

"In an alley." Chanyeol looked for things near him. "There's a tattoo store across the street, called tats."

"I'll be there soon, don't move." With that Chanyeol hung up.

Chanyeol just got a new co worker a few days ago, and met someone near his new apartment so he wasn't sure who it was but either was he wouldn't be lost anymore.

Chanyeol sat on the curb for 20 minutes watching a few people walk down the street, or someone going into tats. Maybe Chanyeol should get a tattoo. Just as he stood up and decided to get one, a car pulled up infront of him.

"Hey Chanyeol! Hop in!" A guy said. Without hesitation Chanyeol got in the car.

"Hey, thanks for getting me." Chanyeol said putting on his seatbelt. It was locked so he kept pulling at it with full force.

"Here let me help." The person, Chanyeol still didn't know who, said. They reached their arm across him to the seatbelt. Chanyeol decided now to look over and find out who it was.

Only to notice he and Kyungsoo were only inches apart. Chanyeol held his breath, not out of nervousness but because the pizza he had earlier had onions on it.

"A little shy? Sorry, I was just trying to help out a bit." Kyungsoo said.

"No, I just thought my breath smelled bad and didn't want to leave that kind of impression on you." Chanyeol protested. Kyungsoo just laughed it off and started driving.

"So, why are you out here?" Kyungsoo asked.

Chanyeol felt like Kyungsoo was a strange kid and didn't want to give out information that could hurt him, or change something even slightly, so he made up a lie.

"Me and my boyfriend just broke up, I mean girlfriend. I'm not gay." Chanyeol tried to play things as safe as possible.

"Haha, I bet you aren't. I don't have a problem with gays." Kyungsoo said laughing.

"Oh that's good for gay people, huh?" Chanyeol said looking out the window, only causing Kyungsoo to laugh more.

"Am I taking you back to your apartment, because I don't know the address." Kyungsoo said. Chanyeol just realized he would have to go back to where Baekhyun was.

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