Chapter 7

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As Chanyeol ended the call with his boyfriend Junmyun, he looked up at the hotel.

It was the last night Chanyeol would have been without Junmyun, until he got back from work in the US.

Junmyun worked for a candy company and they needed product placement so they were in LA.

Chanyeol walked to the room and knocked on the door. No answer. So he knocked again. Still no answer. The last time he knocked the door swung open to reveal a blonde boy wearing only a bathrobe.

"Surprise!" Chanyeol yelled to his boyfriend Junmyun. Chanyeol hugged him with all the strength in his body.

"Chan? What, what are you doing here?" Junmyun asked removing Chanyeol from him.

"I took a flight in so I could surprise you on your last day!" Chanyeol was smiling for ear to ear.

"How?" Junmyun asked walking out of the room and putting the stopper infront of the now closed door.

"A plane, what do you mean?"

"I mean why did you come?" Junmyun asked.

"To see you of course, what other reason would I have?"

"I don't think you should have, wait for me downstairs and I'll go to you in a minute, okay?"

"I'm feeling very unwanted." Chanyeol said pouting.

"Of course your wanted this is just, a big surprise and I don't know how to handle it." Junmyun explained.

Junmyun saw that Chanyeol was upset so he hugged Chanyeol and lifted his boyfriend up.

"I'm sorry, don't think too much about it, I'm just really in shock right now." Junmyun said to calm his boyfriend down.

"I missed you." Chanyeol whispered in Junmyun's ear.

"I missed you too." Junmyun smiled before giving Chanyeol a kiss.

"There's just one thing, I need to put these chocolates down. So can I set them down really quick before I go downstairs and wait for you?"

Junmyun carefully put the boy down and stood back infront of the door.

"Were you taking a shower?" Chanyeol asked talking about the robe.

"Huh? Oh something like that. My room is a mess, let me clean it really quick." Junmyun nodded going in and closing the door.

Chanyeol waited for his boyfriend to come back out. Then Chanyeol heard talking. He couldn't understand what because it was in English and they were whispering, but he knew someone was talking to Junmyun.

When Junmyun finally came to get Chanyeol it had been about 20 minutes.

"Sorry, it took longer than expected. I'm doing some research so can you just sit on the bed until I'm done? It'll be five minutes then we can go eat instead of you waiting for me." Junmyun smiled.

"Okay." Chanyeol looked around the room to find someone but he only was Junmyun.

"Who were you talking to just now?" Chanyeol asked.

"Huh? Oh, no one. I had to take a phone call so you must have heard that." Junmyun said sitting down infront of a pile of paper and his laptop.

"Are you sure? I heard someone speaking in English."

"You over thinking things, just sit down for a little alright?"

Chanyeol sat on the bed and landed on something. He moved the covers and saw something he wasn't exactly familiar with, it was a bra he knew what it was because of his ex girlfriends, but he didn't know what it was doing there.

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