Chapter 13

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The next night Chanyeol came back at six. Baekhyun looked at him in shock. He didn't think he'd be back until around nine. Baekhyun glanced at him and went back to reading his book.

"Did you need something?" Chanyeol asked as he noticed Baekhyun look.

"No. I just heard a sound, and was curious."

"So you heard a noise, not knowing where from, and continued your book?"

"Well I saw you. So I didn't care." Chanyeol scoffed and went to his room. He looked at his phone and had a text from Kyungsoo

From: dYo~
Wanna go eat?~

Chanyeol instantly replied

To: dYo~
Yes! Please come get me sooon

Chanyeol set his phone down and took a shower. After he got out he changed into a white shirt and skinny jeans. He slid on some black shoes and a snapback. He noticed Kyungsoo texted back.

From: dYo~
I'm here, do you want me to go to your room?

Chanyeol quickly took his wallet and ran out. He didn't want Kyungsoo to have to talk to Baekhyun.

"Baekhyun. I'm leaving." Chanyeol said running out.

"Will you be back for dinner? I need to talk to you." Baekhyun said.

"Yeah yeah." Chanyeol said before closing the front door. Baekhyun nodded to himself satisfied that he would finally get to tell you what's been on his mind lately.

"Hey Kyungsoo!" Chanyeol smiled hopping into the car.

"Why so happy?" Kyungsoo laughed and he pulled out onto the street.

"I don't really know, food maybe. Where are we going?"

"I don't know, where do you wanna go?"

"I really want, chicken!" Chanyeol smiled as his mouth watered at the thought of chicken. He hadn't had chicken since he moved in with Baekhyun and was more than overly exited to eat it right now.

Kyungsoo chuckled looking at Chanyeol in the corner of his eye. Chanyeol was fist pumping and dancing and smiling really wide.

"You like chicken a lot, huh?" Kyungsoo said laughing, making fun of one of Chanyeol's dance moves as the came to a red light.

"Huh? Oh, y-yeah. It's just I haven't had it in a month." Chanyeol chuckled, scratching the nape of his neck.

"Well then I better get some chicken in you asap!" Kyungsoo said as he took off again. After a few minutes he pulled up to a chicken store. Chanyeol jumped out before the car was fully parked. He smelled the air and ran to Kyungsoo's side of the car.

"Hurry! I want chicken." Chanyeol said dragging the younger in. Kyungsoo just smiled and shook his head.

"Can I get the bucket of half barbecue and half, what do you want?" Chanyeol asked turning towards Kyungsoo.

"Oh, um. Spicy?" Kyungsoo asked, he had never been here before and didn't know what they had.

"Half barbecue and half spicy! Also two medium drinks, and a large French Fries!" Chanyeol smiled widely at the lady at the register.

"They have fries here?" Kyungsoo asked as his eyes lit up.

"Yes, that's why I got them. I can see you like fries as much as I like chicken!" Chanyeol said teasing the boy.

"Maybe I like them a little." Chanyeol just nodded. The girl called Chanyeol's waiting number and he ran to his food.

"Thank you ma'am! You are the nicest girl ever, I won't forget this kind deed!" Chanyeol smiled taking the food. Her face turned a light red color, out of embarrassment. Chanyeol and Kyungsoo sat down at a table and immediately Kyungsoo took the french fries and started eating them.

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