Chapter 10

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Haha, third update this weekend. I'm so good. :3 Enjoy! :)

Harry's POV

I awoke in the early morning hours, just like I normally did. However, this time it was different. This time I woke up with another warm body curled to me and it felt different, but it was a good different. I let out a long breath and smiled softly as I looked down at Jessie. She was curled against my chest with her head resting on it, just over my heart. Her dark hair was in a tangled mess around her head and I found myself running my fingers through it. It was slightly damp from her bathing in the pond and it smelled amazing though I couldn't place the scent.

I began to recall how I woke up from a deep sleep and went into Louis' room just to get her and bring her back to mine. It felt like a good decision at the time, but I knew I'd have hell to pay from Louis later on for doing this. None of the lads really trusted me alone with her despite the fact that she was my responsibility. However, right now, I didn't care about that. All I cared about was the fact that I slept without any nightmares with her sleeping with me.

 The others wouldn't be up for a while. I was always the first one awake for some reason, but I think it's because I function on a lot less sleep than a lot of people. Though I think I may have slept a bit longer than I have in a while because of the small dark haired female that was currently curled against me.

I looked down at Jessie and began to play with her hair again.  "I'm sorry, Jessie. I hate causing you so much pain." I whispered and very gently I pressed my lips against her forehead. Her sweet scent surrounded me once more and I closed my eyes. Another round of memories began to hit me. Ones from whenever I was ten years old and ones that were of the last few times I was with my mother. However, only one stood out the most to me.


I trudged slowly through the snow while ignoring the pain in my nose and in my eye. I knew I was bound to have a reminder of the hits I'd received from the older boys today at school, and I hated it. I hated to know that I was just giving my dad even more of a reminder that was weaker. He'd only use that against me in his little "training" sessions, as he liked to call them. My mum would try her best to shield me from them, but she didn't stand a chance against the large and brutal man that I called my father.

As I made my way up the path way I studied the house in front of me. It was older than some of the other house and a dull blue color, with two floors, an attic, and a basement. I shuddered slightly as I remembered the basement. That was where my father would have his fun and games. Just thinking of it made my stomach twist into a knot. I slowly reached the door, unlocked it, and stepped inside. I stomped the snow off my boots and slowly slipped them off to the side. My winter coat was discarded on the hook beside the door and I glanced around the kitchen.

Mum must have been cooking something since the stove was on. I frowned slightly as I walked over to it and turned the heat down a bit so the it wouldn't over heat or catch fire. Just as mum walked into the kitchen I allowed my floppy hair to fall in my face as if to cover the bruise I knew was beginning to show.

"Harry, what happened?" She asked with concern in her voice. She didn't even bother greeting me in the way she usually did. Her gentle fingers move my hair back from my face.

I jerked away from her hand. "Nothing, mum. I'm fine." I said quietly and frowned as I saw a red mark forming on her cheek. It was fresh and I assumed my father had just given it to her. "Are you okay?"

She sighed quietly as she walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out an ice pack. "Don't worry about me. Tell me what happened to you." She said softly as she wrapped the ice pack in a towel then gently placed it over my eye. "Keep that on it. It'll help the swelling go down."

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