Chapter 12

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Liam's POV

I stared at the wall of my bedroom for several minutes, if not hours, and just tried to think. Everything was so messed up now and it was because Harry had to loose his control. All that we've worked for could now be undone because of her. Jessie. I frowned a bit as I remembered her. She seemed liked an okay girl, kind of shy and quiet, but that didn't matter right now. She was messing up everything, but we couldn't exactly do anything about it. We aren't killers and we won't allow our pasts to taint us in those kind of ways ever again.

I let out a long breath and laid back on my mattress as I stared at the broken ceiling above. It had over one thousand tiny cracks in it, and I only knew that because I've counted them almost every single night in order to try to get some sleep. However, none of that's helped. I haven't been able to sleep a full night's sleep in what seemed like years. The last time I probably slept was before my mother was arrested whenever I was fifteen or so. And I remembered the night she had shot her boyfriend so clearly it began to run through my mind.


Screaming. That's all I could hear as I tried to find a way to get some rest. I shoved my pillow over my head and grunted into my mattress. No matter how much I tried to will it the screaming didn't stop. I wasn't even sure who was screaming or what it was about. It might be my mum and her new boyfriend, but then again I wasn't trying to pay attention.

Suddenly, a loud noise came from the living room and I sat up in a hurry. The dim light of my bedroom was the only thing that helped to aid me toward the door. I hastily opened it and stared wide eyed as my mum held a small gun in her palm. And on the floor was her new boyfriend.

She looked up at me with eyes just as wide as mine. "Liam...I.." she trailed off and looked at the gun in her shaky palm before it dropped to the floor. Within seconds she had dropped to her knees in a sob.

"Mum..what happened?" I whispered and glanced around the apartment. Everything looked like a mess. The couch was miss placed along with the cushions, photos were torn from the wall and broken, rugs were messed up and tangled with each other, and I even saw broken glass from dishes everywhere. It looked like the house was taken through a tornado, and I honestly wondered how I didn't hear any of this happening.

She sobbed once again and put her head into her hands. "Richard..he..he.." she whispered and looked up at me with wide frantic eyes. "He was trying to hurt me..really hurt me. Not in the ways that he would in the.." she trailed off and frowned at her own words.

I was grateful that she didn't finish her sentence because I had a feeling what I had ate for dinner would have come back up if she had. " was self defense..we have to call someone.." I whispered.

Mum looked up at me and quickly shook her head. "No, no. We can't. Do you really think they'll believe it was defense? I don't have a mark on me..they'll...they'll arrest me..." she whispered and quickly stood up. "Go back to your room, Liam. I don't want you to be a part of any of this."

I frowned at her and shook my head. "Mum..if you don't tell someone things will only get worse." I had finally become thankful for my latest obsession with crime shows because now I could vaguely have an idea about this kind of thing.

"If I get arrested you'll go into foster care, Liam. We don't have other relatives..and I don't want that life for you." She whispered and shook her head. "Please, just go back to your room..try to sleep..and just forget about this. Pretend like it never happened." She said in a stern voice.

I swallowed slightly and looked at the gun for a moment before I did as she said and went back to my room. However, I couldn't even allow myself to try to sleep because I knew it would never come.

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