I'm A Special Child - 5

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I’m A Special Child


“You went further than Damon” Katherine, reached forward and a loud snap rang through the night. Elisa fell to the ground dead.

I screamed and turned to run to Elisa, but Caroline held me back. I turned on Bonnie and begged “Please help me.”

“I’m not losing you too” Bonnie had tears falling out of her bright green eyes.

“You just did” I muttered, hoping Bonnie would help me.

“Caroline let me go” I glared. I felt Caroline’s icy hands release me.

I ran through the house and into the garden, Elisa’s body wasn’t there nor was Katherine just a few drops of blood.

“She’s gone” I felt hollow, empty inside, I had sister for 2 days before she was killed, turned into a vampire and gone without a trace, I barely knew her.


“What happened” I groaned and sat up, I found myself face to face with Katherine.

“I turned you at least I thought I did” Katherine looked puzzled.

“Yes because that makes sense” I rolled my eyes.

Suddenly there was a loud knock.

“Come in” Katherine called.

A man with short brown hair, bright blue eyes and I have to say, rather well built.

“Mason Lockwood did you get the moonstone” Katherine smiled.

“Yes Katherine” He pulled out a white stone.

“Lockwood” I muttered. “Are you Tyler’s relative” I asked of him.

“Katherine, you kidnapped Elena” Mason asked.

“No, this is Elena’s twin Elisa” Katherine purred.

“How do you know Tyler, I’m his uncle” Mason looked at me.

“He goes to my school we take classes together, he’s a good friend” I pleaded.

“Can it” Katherine snarled. I shut up, last thing I needed was Katherine to set her pet Wolf on me. I closed my eyes hoping I could wake up and find myself sleeping on my camp bed with Elena and Jenna and Jeremy.



“Wake up” Elena pushed my shoulder.

“5 more minutes, Elena” I mumbled.

“Wrong doppelganger, its Katherine” Katherine glared

I jumped up “What’s going on”

“Don’t ask questions” Katherine snapped.

The door suddenly flew open as Katherine grabbed my collar and pulled me to my feet.

“Stop” I turned and saw Tyler in the door alone.

“Tyler go now, she’ll kill you” I chocked; I had only just noticed I had broken my ankle.

“Not without you” Tyler glared.

“This is insane; she’s a freaking vampire who’s at least 500 years old” I shouted at Tyler, the pain in my ankle was growing.

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