Elena Is What - 15

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Elena Is What

“ELENA IS WHAT” I scream at Caroline, she had knocked me out cold and I had woken up hours later to find that my twin was giving herself up to my dad.

“Giving herself to Klaus” Care muttered.

I leapt to my feet and ran out the door, I ran faster than any normal person could. I was at the scène the werewolf was already dead, vampire next.

“JENNA” I screamed, Jenna was in the vampires spot, and no she couldn’t be a vampire.

“Elisa I’m so sorry” My dad looked at me and ripped out Jenna’s heart.

I ran forward glaring at him “Let Elena goes”

“You know I can’t do that Elisa”

“But I can” I acted on impulse and made a sweeping movement and the flames around Elena vanished.

“Run” I told her but my dad launched on her draining her of blood.

I screamed and tried to pull him off him but he didn’t budge.

“LEAVE HER ALONE” I screamed. “PLEASE DAD, USE ME” I begged, but it was too late, Elena fell to the floor, dead.

I screamed, no Elena wasn’t dead she couldn’t be dead. I touched her face, I glared up at my dad, he had fallen to the ground and was screaming in pain, every bone in his body seemed to be breaking. My uncle appeared over him and was about to kill him when, my dad pleaded “No, I have our family, I haven’t buried them in the ocean”

My uncle paused then grabbed my dad and ran; he paused and looked back at me cradling Elena’s dead body. “I’m sorry” I saw him mouth then ran.

“Elisa” I weak voice gasped, I turned Stefan was crawling towards me a wooden stake in his stomach. I pulled it out, “She can’t be dead” I cried.

“I’m so sorry” Stefan whispered.

“NO” I screamed and leapt to my feet and began to run, faster than human speed, in a flash I was outside the Grill.

“What’s happening to me” I sobbed and walked inside tears slipping down my face.

“Hey Elisa” Matt walked up to me and pulled me into a hug, “What’s wrong”

I explained everything to Matt; he nodded and smiled reassuringly the whole time.

“You have had a messed up time since you got here” Matt smiled.

“Yeah” I smiled weakly. Matt leaned closer to me, gosh he was cute, I stared up into his light blue eyes, and I saw them flicker to my lips. I leaned up and kissed him lightly on the lips. “Thank you Matty” I smile and walk away, I glanced back, and Matt was touching his lips softly grinning.

“ELISA” I turned Jeremy was running towards me.

“Jeer, Elena she’s dead” I whispered.

“No, no, no my silly sister” Jeer hugged me “Bonnie did a spell, that meant when Elena died actually John died”

“Oh so John is dead and Jenna she didn’t come back” I asked.

“No” Jeremy blinked back tears.

“Brilliant, everyone god dam person I love dies, sure they might come back but they still die” I cursed. I turned and jumped into my car and drove to the Wickery Bridge. I stopped my car and walked over to the side and stared into the murky water.

I turned climbed back into my car drove a kilometre and then turned back going as fast as possible. I saw the bridge coming, I closed my eyes, I felt the car fly of the bridge I screamed. I opened my eyes the car was filling with water, suddenly the door was ripped off and Damon pulled me out of the car.

“WHAT THE HELL” Damon screamed at me once we had reached the ground.

“A doppelganger was meant to die tonight” I told him.

“YOU ARE AN IDIOT” Damon told me, and grabbed me by the collar and we blurred outside Elena’s house.

“Damon you found her why is she wet” Elena came running out of the house.

“I’ll tell you once were inside” Damon growled stalked inside and told me to wait in the kitchen.

I nodded trying not to grin; Damon walks into another room and begins to explain what happened to Elena. I run over to the drawers and pull out one of the knives. I raise it above my chest and push it down, just as is pierce my skin. Damon appeared grabbed the knife and through me across the room.


“GO AWAY DAMON” I shouted back, I turned and tried to run out of the house but an invisible barrier stopped me. “BONNIE BENNET” I screamed.

“Sorry” Damon sneers and leaves.

“WHAT THE HELL” Elena shouted, “Trying to kill yourself”

“A doppelganger was meant to die tonight, I’m glad it wasn’t you, but I’m restoring natures balance” I told her.

“Damon was right you are an idiot” Elena rolled her brown eyes.

“Yes an idiot on suicide watch” I retort, Elena doesn’t understand, the balance of nature is important. I turn on my heel and went to bed.


“I can’t lose her or you Lena” I heard Jeer whisper to Elena was I apparently lay ‘asleep’ on the camp bed set up in her room.

I heard a sharp knock on the door, I heard Elena run downstairs and answer it. “Hi”

“Hello, my names Zero you must be Elena” I heard that dreaded voice answer.

“How did you know I was Elena?”

“Because Elisa would have slammed the door on me and stormed away” Zero shrugged.

“Oh” I heard Elena sigh.

I jumped up and stalked downstairs, “ZERO GET OUT” I shouted.

“Elisa, I can ex-”

I cut Zero off “No you can’t, now leave before I come out there and kill you”

Elena suddenly tapped me on the shoulder “You can’t the spell is still up”

I walked at the door and bounced back. I pulled out my phone and dialled Bonnie’s number.

“BONNIE F***K**G BENNET TAKE THIS SPELL OFF NOW” I screamed, then tried to step outside and it worked.

I throw my phone and leapt outside and pushed Zero to the ground and began punching him, hard. “YOU DOOSH LYING TO ME” I screamed.

Suddenly Zero got his arms around my neck and pulled me in, our lips meet and little electric shots ran through me, I pulled myself of him and cursed.

“You kissed me back” Zero teased me, fiddling with a strand of my hair.

“No I didn’t” I growled and stood up.

“Awww” Elena was standing in the door way smiling; Jeremy was standing next to her miming puking.

“Yeah, I know Jeer” I told him and walked away.

I turned down the street and starting walking to school before I remembered I was still in my PJ’s I turned and ran home.

Elena's Twin Sister - Vampire Diaries - TVD Fan FictionKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat