Boys - 16

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I dashed into Elena’s room, pulled on a knee length red dress and my leather jacket. I turned and ran to school.

I arrived panting and walked into History and dashed into my seat, in the usually empty seat on the other side of me sat, Zero. He flashed me a charming smile, I glared.

Then put my hand up in the air “Mr Saltzman, can I move I don’t want to sit next to him” I jabbed my finger at Zero.

“You know him”

“Yes we don’t get along” I snapped.

“Fine the floor is free” Alaric shot back.

I shrugged picked up my stuff and walked to the front of the class room and sat down on the floor, anything to get away from Zero.

“What are you doing” Alaric asked me.

“Working on the floor, duh” I rolled my eyes.

Alaric shook his head and turned back to the board.


“Ahhhh Mr Saltzman” I turned from drawing on the floor to see Jeremy standing in the doorway.

“Yes Mr Gilbert” Alaric asked.

I laughed, “Mr Gilbert what huh?” I rolled around on the floor laughing; I didn’t know why it was so funny it just was.

Alaric looked at me as though I was seriously ill, “Ahhhh Jeremy would you do me a great favour and remove your sister from my class room”

“Sorry no can do Sir but I do need the sheet” Jeremy laughed.

Alaric handed him an old piece of parchment, then hurriedly wright something down on a blank piece of paper and handed it to me. “Here Elisa go take a long drink”

I giggled and stood up; I was still trying to stop my giggles.

“On a second thought Elisa please show Zero to the bubbler” Alaric said hurriedly.

Zero leapt up and dragged me out of the class room.

“So where is the bubbler” Zero grinned

I scowled at him and lead him around a corner and pointed at the sliver bubbler and I leaned against the wall. Zero walked up to me and put his arms on either side of my head and leaned inwards.

“No, Zero it’s over please” I begged. Zero ignored me and crashed his lips against mine, rubbing his tongue against my mouth begging for entrance, I didn’t give in, I struggled to get away but it didn’t work, I closed my eyes and imagined it was someone else kissing me so I wouldn’t throw up. The first guy who popped into my head was Matt, crap, I liked Matt Donavan.


Zero pulled away pressing me to him, I struggled, why werewolves are so god dam strong.

I looked at the person who had shouted, it was Matt. “What are you going to do” Zero teased.

“Ask reasonably for you to let her go” Matt smiled.

“Ahhhh no”

“Well then it’s my plan” Tyler walked up and punched Zero in the nose, Zeros arm realised me from his grip.

Tyler grabbed my arm and Matt, Ty and I ran. We dashed into the woods, I turned to Tyler and said “Thank you”

“What no thank you for me” Matt fakes pouted.

I smiled softly leaned up and kissed him lightly on the lips, “Thanks Matty” I whispered against his lips and walked away.


I stared after Elisa, her long brown curls bouncing, hips swinging. Gosh she was beautiful, she was like Elena but she seemed even more gorgeous and then she was funny, sweet, caring, sarcastic, and witty and though she was troubled her eyes glowed with joy, Elisa Gilbert the little misfit.

“Well that was entertaining” Tyler grinned and punched my arm.

“Ahhhh whatever I was just glad we could help her” I shrugged acting casual while my heart was bursting with nerves and excitement.

“You will cute together but are sure you don’t like her cause she looks like Elena” Ty asked.

“No, Elisa is different she is so much more beautiful than Elena and has more spark” I sighed.

“AH, so you do like her” Tyler leapt on my words.

I face palmed well I was a genius.

“Go ask her out” Tyler pushed me forward; I sighed and ran after her.


Elisa turned, she went slightly red. “Hey Matty”

“Will you go on a date with me” I asked quickly.

“Um ah sure” Elisa smiled, her cheeks glowing a red.

“Cool, I’ll pick you up tomorrow, 7” I suggested.

“Sounds cool” Elisa flashed me a grin and walked away, I could see the bounce in every step, I felt over the moon myself. 

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