Heart Break - 18

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Heart Break


“I’m not getting out of the water Damon” I snapped.

“Yes you are” Damon raised his eyebrows.

“No I’m not this is the closest I have been to them in months, what if Klaus has been torturing Elisa and I’m not giving up on Stefan” I growled.

“Fine but out of here by the moon is up” Damon agreed.


I sighed and chased after the fleeing hybrid, I thought I heard someone behind me I turned no one was there I took a step backward and slapped into someone.

“Elisa” It was Elena.

I groaned inwardly.

“Come on we need to go” Elena grabbed my hand.

“No” I glared.

“Yes” Damon appeared and grabbed my hand; I flipped him over so he landed on his back.


Damon looked shocked “You’re a vampire”

“Thank you Captain obvious” I snap “Now wasn’t mine and Stefan’s message clear enough stop tracking us”

“Please we have a message from Matt” Elena begged.

I couldn’t stop my head swinging around to face her “Why would I care” I asked my voice shook from its proud tone, crap, I could feel humanity creeping back into me.

“He wants you to come back.” Elena looked at me.

“Well I don’t care what Matt wants or says. I’m a vampire no emotions not attachments” I growled, while thinking sorry Matty, I still love you but daddy needs me.

“So that’s what you feel” Matt stepped forward.

My heart dropped like a stone, he was even more gorgeous then I remembered his blonde hair was slightly longer than before, his blue eyes brighter.

“Come on Elena, Stefan and Elisa seem fine” Matt turned away. Elena and Damon stared at me.

I blurred away to Matt, his blue eyes startled. I leaned forward and kissed his lips softly. “Still love you Matty” I muttered sadly and blurred away.

“THEY DIDN’T WORK” My dad was storming, thundering up and down.

“Why do you care so much, I mean you’re not alone you has me and Stefan?” I snapped.

“What has happened” My dad asked.

“Nothing” I shot back.

“Matt” Stefan walked forward and pulled me into a hug.

“I miss him Stefan, I still love him and he has given up on me” I cried into his shoulder.

“Go home, go back to Mystic Falls” Klaus told me.

“You sure Daddy” I asked.

“Positive” He smiled, picked me up and I was outside the Salvatore’s boarding house with Stefan then da vanished.

“Katherine” Damon growled walked up to the door.

I ignored his comment and ran at him and pulled him into a giant hug.

“Elisa” Damon asked.

“In the flesh and bone” I smiled.

“Dead flesh and dead bone” Stefan interrupted stepping forward.

“Why are you here?”

“Dad let me come back with Stefan, he can be really nice if you are close to him or get to know him. Which a rare few people are” I explained to a puzzled Damon.

“DAMON WHY IS MY JUMPER IN THE FIRE PLACE” I heard a girl’s voice scream.

“YOU MUST OF DUMPED IT THERE” Damon shouted back.

I rolled my eyes and walked inside. Elena was standing there holding an ash covered jumper.

“ELENA” I screamed and ran at her hugging her.

“Whoa please don’t kill me” Elena gasped.

“Sorry” I blushed, “also I’m sorry about how I acted today, I had my humanity switch off, and I was bored so yeah I turned it but its back on”

“It’s cool” Elena smiled “Now I need a ride to the Grill”

“Say no more” I laughed picked her up and blurred outside the Grill.

I put her down, “Next time give me a warning so I can close my mouth” Elena complained half heartily.

“Quite being such a whiner” I retorted and walked inside, Matty was walking out of the kitchen looking sad and gloomy.

I drew a deep breath ran up to him and kissed him on the lips little fireworks exploded from the spot our lips touched. I pulled away and began to walk away from Matt.

“Where do you think you’re going, you still owe me a date” Matt asked and grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the Grill. Elena waved to me as I was dragged out as she went to sit with Caroline.

“Come on I need to show you this” Matt flirted.


“ELENA I NEED TO GET IN” I screamed as I walked up to the Gilberts.

“Come on in” Elena grinned opening the door. I speed inside and walked over to the couch and fell asleep.


“ELISA” Someone screamed and starting jumping on me.

“AHHHH” I moaned and pushed then off.

Jeremy gave me his best sad face, “That wasn’t very nice” Jeremy sulked.

“Deal with it Jeremy” I muttered.

“Hey Ric walked into my room last night and went to sleep on the floor cause you took the couch” Jeremy snipped.

“Whatever” I sighed and walked up to Elena’s room with my bag.

I pulled on a leather laced skirt, a simple red tank top, brown leather jacket and knee high boots. Once you start wearing black gothic, you can’t stop.

Elena moaned and rolled over and fell out of her bed.

“Morning Lena” I smirked as I applied my makeup. I put on Smokey Black eyeliner, dark red lipstick and drew a thin line of pencil eyeliner around my lips and smudged it into my lipstick. Damn I look hot.

“What time is it” Elena moaned.

“A number” I shrugged.

“Grrrrr, Lisa can you compel or do something so I don’t have to go the Miss Mystic Falls tomorrow” Elena pleaded.

“THERES ANOTHER MISS MYSTIC FALLS, I AM SO GOING” I scream giggled and jumped up and down.

“Brilliant just brilliant you’re even more like Caroline” Elena moaned.

“No my mood is just heightened” I laughed.


“Can we go shopping” I asked.

“I already have many dresses” Elena answered quickly.

“Fine” I snapped and pulled out my phone and dialled Matt.

“Hey Elisa” Matt answered.

“Hey Matty can you be my escort for Miss Mystic Falls” I asked.

“Um, err” Matt stuttered.

“Yes” I asked on tender hooks.

“Don’t worry babe, course” Matt laughed.

“Bugga” I snapped.

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