It's Judge Elisa Day - 11

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It’s Judge Elisa Day

“Hey Elisa, what’s with the outfit” Bonnie smiled and walked up to me once I parked my car.

“My outfit matters because” I snap.

“Sorry I was just wondering” Bonnie looked hurt.

“Well stop wondering” I glare and walk off to first period, History.

“Elisa that is an unusual attire” Alaric commented as I walked into class.

“Point” I give him my best dagger look.

“I didn’t expect you to have such a choice in clothing”

“This is my second class with you, you barely know me” I shot back.

Alaric doesn’t reply and I smirk, one point to me. I walk to the back of the room and sit down, I was to only one there, and the bell still hadn’t rung. I pulled out my laptop out of my bucket bag and began to Google random images of vampires.

“Elisa” I looked up Elena ran towards me, wearing flowing peachy top and tight blue jeans.

“Well if it isn’t Elena Gilbert” I glare.

“You left this at home” Elena tossed me my duffel bag. I opened it to see all of my very few possessions inside.

“Cool” I shrug and go back to Google images of vampires.

“Hey I’m sorry, I don’t know what I did to upset you but I’m sorry” Elena looked at me, widening her brown eyes and giving me a sad look.

“Puppy face doesn’t work on me” I glare, “In fact why am I even at school”

I jump up and leave Alaric staring at me as the bell rung. I ran to the car park and hoped in my car and drive to a hair salon.


“Finished” The woman said smiling, I got up and walked over to the mirror, my long hair had been dyed black.

“Brilliant, now get me some golden eye contacts” I tell the woman, she looks affronted but gets me some, I pop them into my eyes and walk out leaving a $50 on the counter.

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