Wait, What?

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I blinked a few times before responding, 

"Okay, now you've really lost me. What? why?" 

I asked, clearly confused at the turn in the conversation, 

"Because you're more powerful then he could ever hope to be. Odds are you don't know but you parents weren't just pure bloods, they were both twins, not by the same mother of course, but twins nonetheless. Each of them devoured their twin in the womb. The legend of twin hunters goes for vampires as well, so they each had the power of two pure bloods. And you not only have that but you were also a twin who devoured there other half inside your mother." 

He explained, a cruel grin on his face as I took in the information,

"But why would my brother be envious of my power if he was also born by my parents?" 

I asked in confusion, not seeing where Hunter was going with this. He looked at me with dark eyes and explained,

"Well that's just it. He wasn't. Your parents found him as a baby and raised him as there own. He eventually found out that he would never be as powerful as you, so he began to hate you. He's the one who gathered various corrupt members of the senate to attack the house. He wanted you unharmed to experiment on you and see if he could extract your power. If he couldn't, he would've killed you." 

"But then why was Rido there?"

I questioned the angel,

"He knew what your brother had planned so he tried to stop him. He arrived too late so he tried to just save you from your brother."

"How do you know this?"

I asked him, slightly skeptical. He sighed before responding,

"After you died, I took a personal interest in your past. Once I found out what happened, I staged the entire event to have you banished. I knew you would protest against the woman being sentenced to Hell for committing suicide after being wrongfully accused of murdering herhusband."

He finished calmly. I furrowed my brow in confusion,

"But, why?" 

I questioned, 

"Your time here isn't over yet Y/N. There was more you needed to do. I cut a deal with your brother that I would get you banished from Heaven so he could try and extract your power, but what I really want is for him to die. As an angel, I can't kill him directly, but I knew that you would be able to. Kaname finding you was no accident." 

He said as he walked up to me, 

"The path before you is stained in blood. Not just yours, but the blood of those you hold most dear. He's coming for you, and when he arrives you'd best be ready because he doesn't fight in a way that you will expect. Your brother may be crazed, but he's a genius at manipulating the mind. None of you will be safe from that. I just hope your will is strong, because if it's not you will crumble. And you will die." 

He said seriously as he looked at me. I could tell he was being honest with me. I felt anxiety an unease grow in my heart as I looked into his eyes. He offered me a thin smile, 

"That's all I can say. Goodbye Y/N, hopefully we never meet again." 

He said with a slight amount of worry in his voice as he became enveloped in a glowing, golden light and vanished from sight after a few moments. I mentally sighed as I went over Aidou, who had been moved onto one of the couches. I was relieved to see that he had only been rendered unconscious. I felt someone put their arm around me and turned to see Takuma smiling at me softly, 

"It's gonna be okay Y/N, he won't get you. I promise." 

Takuma said gently as he squeezed my hand. I smiled weakly at him and thanked him before turning to Kaname, who had a stoic expression on his face,

"What are we gonna do?"  

I asked the pureblood, who looked over to me before responding, 

"Do you have any ideas at how we can stop him? Odds are once he knows you guys have power too he will try and take yours as well." 

Kaname nodded at my comment, the gears in his mind turning,

He said distantly as he headed up the stairs to his study. I sighed and went back to my room as the aristocrats began to talk among themselves. Once I arrived, I sat down on my bed and thought about what Hunter said,

 "The blood of those you care about most'"

I knew what he meant but what bothered my the most is that I couldn't decide who I cared about most. I thought about each of the aristocrats.

Aidou was charming, sweet, caring, loving, adorable and cute. Even after Alek hit him, he was only concerned with my safety. He always put me before himself and made me feel special to him. When he kissed me, I felt like time stopped and the world just faded away.

Takuma was a charming gentleman who was always smiling and being supportive and encouraging towards me. He was so happy to see me when I came back after Alek. Even now, after Hunter left he tried to comfort me and promised me that it'd be alright. When he kissed me I felt a warmth spread through my heart, completely different from Aidou.

Akatsuki and I haven't spoken much, but I know he cares for me. He's never really shown it around the others, but when we've been alone together he's been caring and kind towards me. He's more reserved than his cousin, but that's just part of his charm that drew me towards him.

Senri and I also haven't spoken much, but I was touched at how worried he was about me when Alek took me. I felt so safe in his embrace, like nothing in the world could ever hurt me as long as he held me. When he slept next to me, I felt like that was how it should be. I've never fallen asleep faster than I did with him by my side. I felt like I could tell him anything and he'd be there for me.

The next person my mind flicked to was Zero. He keeps so much pain in his heart. I just want to take it all away, to see him smile. I thought about how he looked at me when we first met. He was so concerned for me, even though he didn't know me. When he found me at the fountain, he started off wanting to die, but I was able to convince him to live off of my blood. I knew he didn't want to, but he agreed because I said I didn't want to lose him. When he kissed me, it was slow and sweet, but filled with so much love it made my head spin. 

Rido came to mind next. He was my only friend besides Kaname during childhood and I loved them both. When I was young, nothing made me happier than seeing their faces. I knew they didn't quite like each other, but they always hid it when it came to me. Rido cares for me a great deal and that means the world to me.

And finally, Kaname Kuran. He took care of me after I came back to life. He made me happier in those two years than I've ever been since. I was heart broken when I found out that he lied to me, but now I understand he only did it out of fear. My death would've devastated him and he was trying to protect me. When he kisses me, its different from the others. Each kiss made me feel like I was falling deeper and deeper in love with him. I could feel his love for me whenever our lips met.

After thinking about each vampire I've come in contact with, I realized that each of them held a piece of my heart in their hands. I was in love with each of them, and if any of them died I would be completely and totally heartbroken.

Is this love? (Vampire Knight x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now