Midnight Visitor

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I sat on the ledge of the balcony and gazed up at the bright, full moon deep in thought, until I heard the sound of someone landing behind me. I tried to turn around, but the frim grip of the person behind me held me in place, 


My surprised yell was muffled by a pale hand with slender fingers, 

"I'm sorry if I scared you, Y/N. I just had to talk to you without Senri seeing me enter." 

The person released me and I turned to meet a pair of emerald eyes gazing down at me warmly. Takuma removed his hand from over my mouth and leaned back against the ledge of the balcony,  

"How did you do that?"

I asked, impressed as I looked up at the roof where he came from. The blonde awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck before responding, 

"I kinda sorta just dropped  from the roof. I didn't mean to startle you." 

He explained and apologized. I smiled before giving him a sarcastic reply, 

"You're fine. I mean how else are you supposed to talk to me?" 

He laughed slightly at my response, but his cheerful demeanor was quickly replaced with a serious one, 

"I heard you and Senri talking at the fountain. He said that Kaname can't be trusted." 

I nodded in affirmation, causing Takuma's eyes to become clouded in thought,

"Alright. Do you think we can trust Senri, Y/N?" 

I hesitated for a moment, then revealed what I noticed, 

"When we were talking, he asked me if I noticed anyone else who wasn't 'under my brothers spell'. The way he spoke, it sounded like he was worried and angry that some people in the Moon Dorm were not under my brothers control. I wonder..." 

I trailed off as my brain began connecting dots, 

"He heard me talking with Kaname earlier."
I said, realization hitting me like a freight train as I looked up at Takuma, 

"He was trying to convince me that Kaname is the enemy so I would stop speaking with him."

Takuma' eyes widened at my revelation,  

"What do you want to do?"

He asked, the stresses of the situation pouring through his words. I thought for a moment, then responded, 

"Maybe I should play along. I don't think Senri is as unaffected as he claims to be. I don't want to tip my hand that I might know something. So for right now I guess I'll try and make myself scarce around Kaname." 

Takuma nodded in agreement, 

"Alright. I'm worried, Y/N. I don't trust Senri. If he could lie to you so easily he might be under your brothers influence. What if he tries to hurt you-" 

I cut the worrying blonde off by placing my index finger on his lips. Once I was sure he wouldn't say anything more, I removed my finger and pulled him close to me in a tender embrace, 

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