Papyrus's POV

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"Papy! Why haven't you set any of your traps!" Sans yelled at Papyrus in his small innocent voice, "I dunno, wasnt feeling up to it, I was bone tired." "Papayrus you dingus!" Sans threw a small blue bone at his head, "No puns!" Papyrus chuckled and looked at his brother, "aww common sansy, your smiling." "I am and I hate it!" He screamed. Papyrus chuckled more at that, his brother was so cute when he's mad, especially when he's mad and smiling. "Im gonna go home and take a break, Ive done a ton of work today, a skeleton." "Papyrus you did it again you bonehead!" Papyrus chuckles and walks away from his brother happily, leaving him to do his puzzles for him. He walks up to his house and opens the door and stands there looking at the person on the couch, he was wearing a red jacket with gold rimming and fluff around the hood, he had a red turtleneck under the jacket and some black exercise shorts with a red stripe on the side of them with a pretty cool pair of red hightop sneekers, he had a gold tooth that shined in the light, he looked pretty much like a cool but deadly sans, Papyrus could only stand there and stare at him and wonder who he was and why he was on his couch, when he started to wake up, he sat up slowly and stretched, he looked at Papyrus groggily and froze, Papyrus just stood there calmly and looked at him pulling a cigarette out of his back pocket and lighting it up, then looking back at the guy sitting on the couch, he was shaking, he looked somewhat like he was afraid so Papyrus smiled calmly at him, "hey there" he said softly "h-hey..." The guy said quietly in a shaky voice. Papyrus could see that he was afraid, and hurt as well it looked like many of his wounds are old, but havent gotten a chance to heal, "are you alright?" Papyrus asked him softly and stepped towards him slowly.

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