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Papyrus couldn't help but think that Red was kinda cute when he stutters, the way his voice gets soft and he cant say a word right just makes him smile he doesn't understand why but he felt a connection towards red, even though red probably didnt feel it back. Papyrus brushed the sadness if that off and looked at red, who was trying to hide from his brother, "Sans, maybe you should give red some space.." Sans looked at Papyrus hurt and nods slowly, "alright.." He says softly and walks off to the couch. Papyrus looks at red, "you wanna go chill in my room away from my bro?" He asked slowly, red nods and follows  Papyrus up to his room. Papyrus immediately flopped onto the bed and relaxed, "Hey red?" Red looks at Papyrus and makes a noise, "hmm?" Papyrus gives red a slight glare, "look Red, I know my brother can be a bit hyper at times, but can you please just, not pull an attack out at him? I dont wanna have to show a new friend a bad time for hurting my bro.. Ok?" Red nods slowly and looks at Papyrus a little worried, "I wouldn't hurt your brother stretch... I know how it feels to be hurt by someone.." Papyrus looked at Red with curiosity and sadness in his eyes, "wanna talk about it..?"

UF Sans.X.Us PapyrusWhere stories live. Discover now