Peacful Times

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(Sorry that the ask the sans's book isn't being updated at the moment ;-; I honestly dont have much time for this ;-; sowweh and enjoy dah update ;-; luv u guys ;-;)

Red soon heard blues hyper voice and lifted his head up to see him smiling with a tray of tacos in his hand, he lifted his hand slowly to the tray and took a taco off and slowly brought it down and started nibbling on it, "thanks......" he said quietly and stretch sat up slowly and took one, "thanks bro" he said lazily and put red in his lap smiling a bit, red looked up at lightly blushed at his smile, he was fucking adorable when he smiles its so cute and soft he cant help but smile, "whatcha starin at cherry pop" stretches voice snapped him from his thoughts and made him blush a little more, "nothin" he said quietly looking down and continuing to nibble on his taco, "your so cute when you blush like that" Stretch said softly making Red blush even more and eventually hide in Stretch's hoodie. The day went by surprisingly quietly and quickly, it was nice to finally have peace even if that peace involved TheEdgeMaster glaring at his brother the whole time, Red could feel his boss's stare and snuggled against Stretch more successfully getting Stretch to wrap his arms around him making him feel safer even with his boss staring daggers into his back.

(Sorreh itz short ;-; I dont realy have time for this)

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