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(HOI GUYZ ITZ MEH! SU SOWWEH HERE IZ ANATHER UPDATE!! Thank Salem_pink_ninja334 for reminding meh)

Fell just stood and watched blue work, he was quite impressed with how fast he completed everything and started to think back when he had been that quick and happy, but soon pushed the thoughts to the back of his mine, "this place is to enthusiastic.. wheres the terror.. the pain" he thought to himself, not noticing blue looking up at him with a concerned expression, "FELL? ARE YOU OK?" the smol tugged on his scarf and he shot a glare down at him and he let go, "FINE..." he grumbled in an annoyed tone, "OH....OK! WANNA TACO? THEY'RE DONE!" He just looked down at the little blueberry "ARE THEY POISONED?" Blues eyes widened a bit "N-NO..." "THEN ILL TAKE ONE.." he said in a calmer but still annoyed tone, the smol smiled wide and grabbed one handing it to him with stars in his sockets, "cute..." he thought as he took it and took a bite, "wait WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING?!" He pushed away all the thoughts from his mind and watched the smol run out of the kitchen into the living room and offer the lazy bastards on the couch a taco.

Red opened his eyes groggily to orange and lifted his head a little confused but soon put it back down realizing what it was, "warm.." he mumbled as he cuddled into it, he jumped a little feeling something wrap baround him, "comfortable?" stretch's soft voice made him smile and nod, "course I am.."


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