Blueberrys POV

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"THERE!" Blue says excitedly as he finishes the last puzzle for the second time, "NOW TO GO HOME AND MAKE TACOS!" He smiles and turns around and runs home slamming the door open "PA-" "SHHH!" He looks to see Stretch sitting on the couch shushing him holding a sleeping red in his arms, Blue nods and smiles then looks at Fell sitting in a chair across from Stretch, "Fell! Wanna help me make some Tacos!" Blue says as quietly as he can, "no" Fell says annoyed and continues to glare at Stretch, "Oh well! Your gonna help anyways!" Blue marches up to fell and grabs his hands and drags him to the kitchen, "OK! WE ARE MAKING TACOS! DO YOU KNOW HOW?" Fell glares at him and blue does a pouty glare back and giggles then runs to the fridge and grabs a bunch of things from it then runs back to the counter placing them all out "OKI WE HAVE ALL THE STUFF WE NEED! OTHER THAN THE PAN" "Why do you yell all the time.. And how are your always so.. so happy" Blue looked up at Fell with stars in his eyes "BECAUSE LIFE IS THE BEST THING THAT HAS HAPPENED TO ALL OF US, AND WHEN YOU LIVE WITH EVERY POSITIVE THOUGHT ON YOUR SIDE THEN THERES NO WAY THAT YOU CAN BE SAD!" Blue giggled and looked down to all of the stuff on the counter "LETS MAKE SOME TACOS NOW!"

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