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Papyrus glared at the foolish looking version of him that was holding his brother, how dare he say that he should get over it, Papyrus growls and looks at Red trying to hide himself in the fools orange sweatshirt, "Your a little bitch Sans" he spits in a dark tone, "you need another me to protect you, how weak and pathetic" Stretch stood straight and looked Papyrus in the eyes, "He wouldn't have to if his dick head of a brother hadn't hurt him all the time, I understand why he doesn't wanna go home, I wouldnt want to either, and if YOU want him back, then your gonna learn how to be nice, or you wont ever get him back, because I will protect him from you as long as your the sour ass you are" Papyrus was a bit shocked, how dare he speak to me this way, Papyrus clenched his teeth and growled, "fine, have him, he is worthless to me" Papyrus barked, "then why did you come looking for him?" Stretch looked Papyrus dead in the eyes, waiting for an answer, "though so" he said and lifts Red up a little more and turns around to look at Blue, "Hey bro ima take poor Red home he's shaking like a leaf.." "Ok Papy!" Stretch looks at Papyrus, "lets go Fell.." Papyrus looked at him a little confused, "My name is no-" "your name is Fell because it would be confusing for all of us by calling you Papyrus, so your name is Fell, Im Stretch, He is blue, and this is Red, got it?" Papyrus growls and nods and watched Stretch walk towards his house, "lets go Fell" he follows him slowly towards the house.

-Reds P.O.V-

This cant be happening.. Why.. Why is he here.. Why does he have to ruin everything thats so perfect.., Red cries into Stretch's shoulder and shakes, "why..." He says quietly, "why what..?" Stretch looks at him with a calm but confused look, "why does he have to show up and ruin something so perfect.." Red says quietly and Stretch smiles and kisses him on the head, "itll be ok, I promise" Red blushes lightly and nuzzles his head back into Stretch's neck and looks at his Boss, ..hurt any of them... And I'll bring a hell storm of pain.., Stretch walks into his house and sets Red down on the couch, Red gets up quickly and runs to Stretch's room to hide, "Red!" He hears Stretch scream for him but he closes the door and curls up on the bed.

-Stretch's P.O.V-

Stretch watched as Red sprung from the couch and ran upstairs, "Red!" He screams at him but hears the door shut, he jogs to the stairs and goes up, leaving Fell in the living room alone, he opens the door and sees Red curled up on the bed, "Red.. You ok..?" He asks softly closing the door as he steps in and goes over to Red then sits next to him, Red crawls into his lap and holds onto Stretch crying, "I d-dont wanna be near him.. I d-dont want this to end.. I d-dont w-want him t-" Stretch cuts Red off with a kiss, Red blushes bright red and looks down, "w-what was that for.." Stretch smiles, "to let you know that everything will be ok.." Red blushes more, "c-could you do it again.." Stretch smirks and looks at Red, "I can do more than that~"


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