A Lily

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 The smell hit me first. My nose twitched in curiosity to what that peculiar odor was. Then I was able to identify it. It was blood. However, not just blood, it was the smell of musty, old candles covered in a thick layer of dust, a light waft of an early morning rain after a large storm and..."What was it?" My face cringed in concentration. "Ah... that's right." That last, mysterious aroma was decaying skin and rotting flesh. But the stench was strangely refreshing to me. I felt the corners of my lips curl up in appreciation.

"Wait, my face?!" A strange fear emerged in my stomach as the realization shocked me. My eyes snapped open to this disturbing thought. I turned to the side, only realizing that I wore nothing but a thin cloth with spaghetti straps that stretched all the way down until my thighs. My body lay on top of a cool metal observation table with large, thick leather straps that stretched and covered me. I wore a cotton black wrap that blinded me from the sight of the prison I was in. Suddenly grasping the fact that I was stuck in an environment that I did not recognize, I also knew that I was not a mere human having to able to identify the numerous bizarre smells in this damp room and that I was not even aware of the world around me since I did not exist a few mere days ago.

"He he he he." A soft laugh echoed through the laboratory that I was stuck in. Quickly my inhuman senses grasped around the room I was trapped in. The room's size was slightly snug due to the clutter around the room. Four large, black, metal poles with curling, frozen roses held small, glowing, orange flowers that shivered against the surrounding cold darkness that coated most of the room. Skulls, either plastic or preserved incredibly to keep them from shattering, lined the top of old wooden bookshelves. Old, tattered, leather-covered books lined the rest. Dust-covered glass cabinets held mysterious bottles, flasks and broken cylinder mugs filled with unknown liquids with strange aromas. Suddenly, I felt two presences around me and I blindly twisted my head around to figure out who they were. Somebody then slid a cold finger with a long, sharp fingernail under my eye cloth and pulled it away. Then, I faced a very odd looking man.

He had silvery hair that fell to his ankles, chopped up bangs that covered his eyes revealing only his nose and his curling mouth showing his shark-like teeth that shone dully with pleasure. He wore a black top hot that seemed to have been crushed by something large, and a buttoned, low collar cloak which fell to his laced up, high-heeled boots. However the thing that was most disturbing was the second presence near the foot of the metal table; she held up a large mirror that showed the image of a girl with bleached blond hair and green eyes who wore a shocked look on her seven-year-old face. But the reason for my shocked look was that the young girl with crimson red who held the mirror calmly looked just like me.

"Hello Lily." My head jolted upward to the smooth, alluring-but-high voice. He bowed to me and spoke, "I am the Undertaker, your creator."

I laughed lightly under my breath. "Really?Then who is she?" I asked as I jutted my chin toward her in a small distaste.

"Rose, your twin sister." He answered confidently.

"Ok then, explain what I am." I questioned him.

"Very well."

"You are a demon but a grim reaper. However...." He paused there, losing his train of thought. He took a breath and continued, "You are also capable of producing human feelings. Also you two," He gestured to both of us. " Are twin sisters." He finished with a flourish of hands. "What a surprise." I muttered. "And... you both can become either a demon of a grim reaper depending on who is your master."

I gaped at him in shock and disappointment. "Wait. We both," I gestured to both of us, "have to become servants to attain these amazing powers?!" I held my head up and glared at him. He nodded, and I laid my head back down in exhaustion. "I was really looking forward to using these powers," I thought as a wave of disappointment washed over me.

"Now then," The Undertaker clapped and rubbed his hands together in anticipation. " I cannot keep you long, so I will be sending you off to the Management of Grim Reaper Distribution, where I became a shinigami and where you will become one too." As soon as I opened my mouth to allow a jumble of questions fall out, I blinked and Rose and I were immediately placed at the Management of Grim Reaper Distribution (M.G.R.D.).

Note: This was my first complete fan fiction which meant I had never written anything like this before and this was in 8th grade. Keep in mind that my level of experience in diction, character development and plot sequence is not the best. But please enjoy if you're willing to. Im always open to new comments but not hating ones. Criticism is suggested. I would love new offers for a new book cover. 

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