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 I barely heard his greeting as I tried to calm down Rose who was on the brink of bursting. Giving up on Rose a few seconds later who was now having a breakdown, I faced the patiently waiting demon. I stepped forward and shielded her with my scythe. I looked back at her. Her face was streaked with tears and her face was the shade of a ripe pink peach. Sighing, I shouted "What do you want with us?!" jutting the point of my scythe toward the demon's mischievous eyes. His mouth curled up as though he had cornered his prey which he had.

" You're 'The Flower Grims' correct? The Undertaker has spoken highly of you."

I nodded while stared at him in shock to his exact knowledge of our being and our creator, the Undertaker.

"I have come to escort you two to a new future. One of greater power than your scythes. I have come to bring you to my master. My master needs a new 'toy'."

I shuddered at his offer. Behind me, Rose stood up completely calm. Though that was what I thought. "Take Lily instead! I'm staying here with William! I won't go with the both of you creeps!"

I whipped around in shock as anger and betrayal roared up and took over me.

"What the heck?! We're blood sisters! Why would you want to do that. How could you?!" I shrieked at her. The demon chuckled again and stepped aside to reveal William and Ronald. Rose immediately ran over to the grim reapers and started to stroke and brush aside William's slick but disheveled hair. She laid his head on her lap and her face was at peace. I stared at her, my eyes flaring in fury. She looked up at me and spoke calmly,

"You wouldn't understand how I felt. William always liked you best and you were liked by nearly everyone. Always at the best of our 'Flower Grim' training and everyone knew it. I was just the oldest, the 'she's good but Lily is better.' I deserve to have a chance to be in the limelight. I deserve to be in William's favorite student, and at his side. I DESERVE IT ALL!"

She ended up having her voice raised, her face now a shade of a pomegranate and her finger jabbed at me. I took a step back from her explosion of fury but the anger bottled up in myself had its own explosion. I screamed tears blurring my vision as I swung my scythe at her waist. 

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