The Beginning of the End

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4 years later~ 


Current Age: 13 years old (human age) 

 A storm of black feathers surrounded me. The final surge of bravery dimmed inside of me and a huge wave of fear took over me completely and it felt like I was drowning in the dark. A low rumble echoed through the storm of black, raven feathers and the storm surrounded me quickly. I tried to claw my way out of the sea of endless feathers. I looked up and my eyes widened with fear and shock. Up above was a large pair of eyes that glowed a. . .blood red. Beneath the eyes was a smile that curled up and showed sharp demon teeth. I forced myself to wake up. Shaking with a start, I took a look around my surroundings and relief washed over me. I was in my room, well our room. I turned my head to the side, and Rose's red hair poked out of the white covers at the edge of the canopy bed. A soft movement removed my attention somewhere else. Will slept in the middle of both of us. He turned to me and asked, "Bad dream again?"

"Yeah. It's scary, but it feels so real and it feels like it's going to happen," I replied sadly.

"Are you going to tell Rose?"

"No, I'm afraid she will worry and it will get in the way of the paperwork we'll have."


Rose stirred and our conversation ended. I suddenly remembered the special reason for today. I quickly shot out of bed. "Awake already? Well, let's go!"

William and Rose faced each other with a confused look on their faces and trudged after me. I threw out Rose's, William's, and my usual attire. Rose and I stripped off our nightshirts that fell to our knees and William started to dress us.

Though we were dolls, William dressing us still felt uncomfortable. As soon as we slipped into ballet flats, it was our turn to help Will dress. A few minutes later, we started to head out of our apartment and into the towering, white cathedral.


"Hi Lily!"

"Morning Lily!"

"Looking good, Grim!"

"Happy early Birthday!"

"It's the birthday girl! LILY!"

Greeting, comments and flirts filled the caved, cathedral. I smiled and waved to co-workers. I turned back to glanced back at Rose and William and flashed them a pleased smile. A dark glare flashed on Rose's face, but it disappeared as it appeared. A voice rang out from upstairs and my heart skipped a beat, my attention gone. Ronald Knox quickly ran down the stairs and jumped the last three steps with a soft thump in just three seconds. I couldn't help but clap in amazement. Rose raised an eyebrow which meant she had suspecting something but I ignored her.

"We will head to our office and start to head to the appointment. Ronald, I trust you're ready. Lily, stop drooling and let's go."

I snapped back and blushed furiously as Rose walked away smirking. I looked up and Ronald locked eyes with me with a glint of interest. "Your birthday is coming, right?" He strolled toward with an air of confidence.

"I don't understand this human event but I'll be giving you something special just for the fun of it." My heart beat tremendously.

"Ronald Knox," I thought dreamily, "Blond with a tinge of orange that's cut into a windswept way. Bolded black glasses, a two piece suit worn loosely and leather gloves." I couldn't help but quietly sigh in admiration. Ronald turned and spoke through my thoughts. "See you at the field."

I nodded and turned to hop away happily to meet William and Rose at the designated spot, unaware of what will happen in the upcoming hour. 

Note: By this point, thank you for sticking around though all of this confusing and messiness. Maybe I'll go back and rewrite...probably not. I tend to leave things as how they were. 

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