The Frozen Minute Hand

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The scythes withdrew themselves out of our necklaces and a large rush of wind blew Rose's blood and my marigold colored hair behind us and whipped and swirled into a tangerine orange around us covering the world from their watchful eyes. Our scythes finally came out as the clock chimed 8:37 AM. "Time to start," I said, my hair draping over my shoulders.

With scythes in our hands we took a look at the busy street and I spotted the first clue that would start the chain reaction. A black cat started to cross the street as a two-horse carriage trotted downward toward the kitten. As predicted, the horses whinnied loudly and hind their deep brown legs up. The cat hissed but suddenly a large black shape appeared but quickly disappeared as the mysterious shape picked up the cat and flew away.

Fear washed over me and my vision swept and blurred over me. I felt Rose clutch my shoulders as I bent over. I could see the final scene as I looked over the side of the building. The horses swept to the side hitting Lady Scotfield right in the head. She flew toward the faded red brick wall without having a chance to scream. A sickening crack echoed through the now silent street. I watched as a large red flower bloomed from her forehead as she hit the ground. People screamed but none moved forward to help.

Typical humans, I thought. I felt a huge rush of air as it swept me backward. Will remained standing though a look of concern was directed at me. But I looked away and focused my attention somewhere as Ronald leaped into action. A large burst of memories spilled out like we were watching a movie, with an old fashioned film. They stretched to the sky swaying like snakes in a breeze. But as Ronald approached to judge them, they hissed in anger and tried to slap him away. I watched as Ronald struggled but Rose and I started to get ready.

Still weak, we both stood at the ledge of the building ready to jump in, when the soul of Lady Scotfield was suddenly gone. Confused at the missing roll of memories when I heard Will mutter, "Demon." 

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