The Frozen Hour Hand

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The three of us stood on top of a dull, brown tiled roof of a two story gray townhouse. A soft fog coated the quiet city, unaware of the supernatural events that entwined with the human ones themselves. Ronald stood across from us on another dull, delicate building waiting for the scheduled human death. William flipped open the appointment book once more to review for the next human death. He read aloud, "Mary Scottfield, age 87, will die at 8:37 AM of a two horse carriage accident while crossing the street. We will be testing Ronald Knox and his scythe, the lawn mower. We will be judging on how fast Ronald will complete his task efficiently." He closed his book and I checked my watch. "One hour until my birthday!" I fidgeted as a ripple of excitement rippled through me.

Though Rose's had already passed two minutes ago. I looked across the rooftop to see Rose clutching a silver bracelet, a birthday present from myself while sitting on a crumbled chimney.

I focused my attention on the bustled street crowded with ladies in bonnets and frilly dresses overflowing with ribbons and sashes. Men escorted them past small shops and cafes with butlers trailing behind their lord with bags and boxes no doubt for their themselves. I couldn't help but draw my attention to somewhere else when I heard Ronald's signature motor start.

I checked my watch again and realized it was 8:36 AM. William opened his notebook ready to watch for any mistakes. Rose and I got ready with our scythes just in case Ronald could not handle it stubborn soul. "Mary Scottfield, a stubborn but proud woman. Always believing she will reach the age of immortality."

I snickered at that thought.

"Might as well sell her soul to the devil himself." Rose muttered.

However, I never knew that a certain demon would be hunting for a soul and it was mine. I was about to turn to Rose to get ready with our scythes, when I felt William place something in my hand. I looked at him in surprise as I held up William's secret present and realized it was a silver ring. William turned away ignoring my pleased smile. The band was a ring of silver metal vines that curled delicately and the center was a large, bloomed, blood red rose. I held it up to the sun to examine it and out of the corner of my eye, Rose held up William's present too. Her ring's band was a crown of silver leaves and the center was lily. We stepped to the center of the rooftop and held each other's hands. We smiled at each other and closed our eyes. The passage that unlocked our scythes formed in our heads and we recited it.

'I am blood' I cited.

'I am bone' Rose cited back.

'We ask for our scythes to use'

'May you grant this power to us!' 

Note: Should I rewrite? 

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