Gone and Taken

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The sharp curve of my scythe wrapped slightly around Rose's waist and dug deep into her rib cage. She screamed in pain as I swung her toward the stone wall and she crashed into it. Moaning, she was still conscious and started to quickly crawl toward the awakening William and Ronald. She shot a killing glare at me and tried to help William awaken and to his feet.

"Well this is amusing. I seemed to have broken to sacred broken the 'The Flower Grims's precious blood and demoniac bond. Both are torn inside. One has chosen to say while the had been 'sacrificed' to me. Oh well, we only need one."

He grinned at me as though he had finally snared his prey. Which was all true. He started to proceed toward me and I felt not a dark fear inside me but a lasting deep gash of betrayal from Rose. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Ronald assisting William to his feet. Comfort flooded through but it fleetly melted away. William and Ronald held confused and concerned looks on their faces whereas Rose still held an outrage look. Ronald had noticed the demon standing at my side which caused him to run toward me to drag me away. His hand reached out to mine but the demon slapped it away and pushed him back to William a few feet away. "Time to go." He whispered in my ear.

I gave Ronald a saddening parting look. His face gave me a stricken gaze from his peridot eyes that pierced my heart. I turned from him as the demon took both of my hands in one and place his other cold, chalk white over my eyes. I closed them and he started to chant. I felt 'time' slow down.

"I hold the Lily Grim in my hands.Her memories in my hands.Grant her new power, Undertaker. For she serves a new master."

He pressed his now freezing, thin lips to my right eyelid and trailed them to my forehead leaving behind a trail of frost. He retracted his lips from my forehead and I immediately felt a sharp stab of pain in my right eye. I clutched his arms tightly as I tried to breathe steady breaths but I failed miserably. I fell to the ground on my knees, trying to not scream in shock as I focused on my reflection in a small puddle. I was only able to see my eyes and my bangs just as I noticed my face hold a demoniac transformation. My orange caramel eyes turned to a blood red and my small pupil became silted, thin diamond. I then noticed my right eye had transformed even more. I angled my head to the left to examine it. A huge symbol had blocked my vision and stamped itself inside. The only thing I could see was that strange symbol itself and nothing else. The symbol was a star surrounded by smaller writings that I could not identify due to my vast knowledge of human, dead and hell language. Large, pointed diamonds wrapped around it forming a ring. The star glowed a deep violet. I recoiled back in horror as Rose's accusing statement replayed itself back in my head. "Freak." I whispered to myself, teardrops falling and landing on the cobblestone street. I felt like screaming but I took a shaky breath and exhaled. "Let's go." I said standing up, quickly recovering from my attack. The demon flashed me a pleased smile. He flicked his wrist activating my new power. My ponytail unraveled itself and it hung in the air swaying like a burning fire licking the sky. I felt a huge headache erupt and I heaved soft and ragged breaths when I realized the temperature had dropped and I was able to see my breaths of air become frosted fog. The puffs of air appeared and disappeared just as quickly. I stared at them in a transfixed way. However the demon merely sniggered at my trance of the iced London fog. Rose was also stuck in a trance as we stared at the frozen crystals had started to drift from the somber clouds. Their frigid tears dropped as though they were mourning our broken bond. The crystals melted at my touch. "Snow." We both whispered. I turned to Rose, my hair still blowing. "We will meet again. Not as sisters but as enemies." I spoke.

"Fine with me. I look forward to chopping you up." She sneered at me.

"Only if you can catch me." I retorted.

Suddenly all went black. Rose's sneer; William's stone gaze; and Ronald's saddening glance. All melted into a ebony world as I fell into the devil's arms once again.  

End of Part Two 

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