Glass Hands and Time itself

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 We started to proceed toward the shining cathedral and we sensed somebody inside, expecting our arrival. We quicken our pace in anticipation and curiosity about the cathedral but we both knew our master William will be waiting. We threw open the wide, towering stone doors and gasped at the sight before us. Four floors elevated around us and gleamed a perfect white edge around the glass floors that could have blinded any human with envy. File cabinets, silver metal desks, small grid offices, private but higher standing position offices upstairs in closed off hallways and large, see through conference rooms were lined and tucked throughout the four floors.

A large optometrist shop occupied most of the second floor, it's large pair of thin wired, black glasses advertising it's business. Inside, an old man hunched over a pair of glasses, his face in concentration. Our 30/30 vision eyes were capable of viewing that old man very well. In the back of the shop, black framed glasses hung on delicate hangers, all of them different in a special way.

Men dressed in identical black suits like Rose and I walked around in a brisk yet hurried manner carrying papers and shouting orders across the room. the only difference in this sea of black cladded suits and slicked back hair was their ebony framed glasses.

Our hands flew to our faces forgetting the very essential detail to blending into our surroundings but a certain figure caught our eyes. Two people were arguing upstairs on the third floor. A large difference contrasted them completely from their clothing and personality. On our right was a man dressed entirely in red. His hair was sharp tips that was as long as the Undertaker's and was a crimson red; even his attire was a crimson red except from a patches of white. He wore a button down, jacket high sharp collars with a split tail coat and knee high heeled boots. His glasses was a horn rimmed, crimson red glasses that hung from a chain. "Come on Will! Please just one night! I am getting a nosebleed from this thought!"

His body shivered wildly as blood dripped from his nose. He even rubbed his head against William's shoulder affectionately.

Our mood soured and it matched the expression on William's stone face perfectly. I soon realized this is our best moment. I grabbed Rose's hand and thankfully she did not argue. We ran up the glass stairs, barely creating a sound from our heeled shoes. Without breaking into a sweat unlike most humans, we arrived at third floor determined more than ever. Facing William from only thirty feet away, we waited silently. William was walking into our direction unaware of our presence though he wore an annoyed look in his face. "Grell; I am terribly busy please bother someone else. I am currently looking for two people right now who are due in twenty three seconds."

Turning away from a sulking Grell, he finally looked up to see us standing side by side in front of a closed, window towering above us supporting our apprehensive feeling. He whipped out a pocket watch as it's minute hand ticked past the first second. "Well, You two are a second late but no matter we must move on."

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